8 days now with PR
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On 3rd Feb I woke up with a rash over my neck and shoulders so that morning I went to the doctors. He said it may be chicken pox but it was too early to tell. 2 days went by and it wasn't getting any better, in fact my face and neck was covered in spots! I decided to go to the docs again and saw another doc, he had no idea what it was but confirmed it wasn't chicken pox. He perscribed me datakort which i used for a few days but this seemed to make it worse. I decided to go again on 8th Feb and it was confirmed it was PR. I had never heard of this before! She also explained it was very rare to be on my face. Lucky me!!!! She advised me to stop using any creams but just to use moisturiser when it was itchy. I went to the docs again on 10th Feb to see the skin specialist he advised it was PR, it was good to have a 2nd confirmed opinion. That same day I bought Aveeno body wash and I am using diprobase moisturiser (used for eczema). I am avoiding hot baths just having showers with warmish water and using head and shoulders for my hair. I have been also doing research and found websites like this one, this one has been the most helpful and I have decided to go on the sunbeds. Its good to know there have been other people that have been through the same horrible experience and I have learnt to stop stressing about it now. I have been avoiding leaving the house apart from going to work due to the amount of it on my face. Luckily I have no major plans for the next few weeks, just hope it all goes before i'm a bridesmaid in April!! Its been 8 days so far and I hope I dont have much longer! Just hope this helps other people like the other messages have helped me.
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My doc confirmed mine str8 away.
I really wouldnt recommend sunbeds as the uv light is so strong and can apparently make it worse, not to mention the other dangers to your skin.
Natrual sunlight, even just normal daylight, can apparently do the world of good, thats what am gonna try anyway.
Good luck with your PR, ive had mine around 1 month and have suddenlt broke out completetly, good look in your recovery.
Its funny that you should mention the Aqueuous cream as I started using that 7 days ago. Thats all i've been using, gave up on the sunbeds after 3 sessions as it was just making my face soooooo dry!!! I will try and get out in the sun more - when we get some! Just feels like it's never going to go! I have a hen night in 4 weeks and i'm desperate for it to go by then and no idea how much longer it will be!??