8 months and still pain is my life...Help!

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I fell on my shoulder 8 months ago. I saw 2 surgeons and had 2 Mri....they show a labrum tear (which thy said isn't the pain source) and swelling, tendinitis, bursitis and I had a frozen shoulder.

i see the best physical therapist I could find....I've been going through a cycle......im in pain, I can't do dishes, laundry, I can only hold a coffee cup or my phone for a minute before I feel weak, 

I feel like I'm in a cycle...3-4 weeks of 8/10 pain, crying all the time....then pain will lessen a little...I will slowly start exercises and a few days later the pain will come back and I'm in a cycle.

I have been pain free (still couldn't lift more than a coffee cup) for 1 week....3 weeks ago....I did some dishes and now I'm still in pain. 

It's been 8 months....I have a family, young children and I am 33....I'm in pain all the time, I feel hopeless and sometimes I don't see any light at the end of this....I'm feel desperate 

Anyone have thoughts or a similar situations?

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    I feel for you, I had surgery on my left shoulder 19 weeks ago due to torn rotator cuff and bone spur. I have been in terrible pain every since.

    My surgeon that done the surgery never would or has gave me anything for the pain, even though I have went to him several times since over it.

    All he can tell me is that there is nothing that he can do or give me for the pain. And for me to go to Walmart and purchase me some Tylenol PM so that I can get sleep.

    I had another MRI done 3 weeks ago and 2 weeks ago I went back to the surgeon. He told me that there is nothing wrong except that I now have a frozen shoulder. And that I should start physical therapy again along with go see a pain management Dr.

    Well that's been 2 weeks ago and I am still waiting on workers comp to set up an appointment with a pain management Dr, which hasn't happened. And they called me yesterday and I am supposed to start physical therapy on Wednesday.

    I requested a copy of the MRI report and it plainly states that I have a tear in my rotator cuff. I have done everything up to begging them for some help with controlling the pain and sleep.

    I am at the point where I wish I would have never had surgery done. And also can't find anything that will ease the pain in my shoulder.

    • Posted

      Thanks for sharing James. I'm sorry you are going through this. 

      I didn't have surgery but I did have a frozen shoulder.

      Here is what I've done for pain, ice every 2 hours for 20 minutes, use topical cream...rest rest, pendulum exercises, tramodol when I cannot take the pain anymore. Also, laying down takes the stress off my shoulder. Have good posture, try to keep your shoulder somewhat stable...no reaching out. See a PT and do the exercises slowly slowly little by little. Hot baths help the muscles and I have my husband massage the back of my shoulder too

    • Posted

       Nicole, this is my suggestion. Find the number one top orthopedic surgeon in your area. And when I say number one, I mean the one that has done more athletes and serious sports type people of anyone with success. Then see what he/she says.

      I know you have young children but you are young, and you will heal quicker than most of us here. I will be 60 in about four months. I had my surgery  January 30, with a 95% tear,  with calcium deposit “bone spur“ type hook. 

       I tore my rotator cuff about 10 years ago and it just got worse and worse over the years. I began getting a frozen shoulder because of that.  

       Luckily I live in an area where one of the top orthopedic surgeons is located. He does all the famous athletes in the Los Angeles area and all throughout California. They actually come here to see him personally. I don’t know where your location is, but I would suggest getting this repaired because it’s not going to get better on its own. 

      I started physical therapy a few days ago. She’s wonderful & some of the pain I have I found is from the muscles around the tear that is tightening and pulling on it. I took a lacrosse ball and put it in the areas where the muscles are tight up against the wall, and roll up and down to loosen them. I also had a friend that is a massage therapist massage those muscles often. As soon as she stops massaging the pain is gone.   

       The physical therapist told me that rotator cuff’s have multiple facets and reasons for the pain. There are muscles in your arm, shoulder, neck, and wing bone that tighten up and pull on the rotator cuff, causing this pain.  

       As soon as I started doing the lacrosse ball rolling probably 5 to 10 times a day I noticed the pain goes away. I ice, I do my exercises that my doctor gave me, and I roll on this lacrosse ball in those painful areas.

       I noticed that’s the worst pain is right on the outside of my armpit on the back. There’s a muscle that goes directly to the rotator cuff that tightens up and pulls on it causing pain.

       Unfortunately I have not taken one pill that has helped with the pain. I have tried Tylenol, Advil, Aleve, even ibuprofen .....which you’re not supposed to take because it hinders the healing on the bone.  

       The oxycodone that my doctor prescribed after surgery, I took for only three days. It made me so loopy and so out of it and made me extremely constipated my stomach was bloated, I was sick and crying. And it does not take the pain away. It just makes you unaware. I didn’t like it at all. 

       Physical therapy is key to getting better and healing after surgery.... and sitting still causes more pain. Walk and get out is much is possible. Exercise helps. 

       Good luck with everything I know it’s tough but I say see a top ortho surgeon ASAP

      Even if you have to pay out-of-pocket. It’s worth it in the long run.  

  • Posted

    Argh!  Time for a second opinion from a shoulder specialist not affiliated with the current surgeon.  Sometimes they just don't want to hear our concerns.  I was lucky and I am very thankful that I have full recovery and full rom after revision surgery.  Keep a log/journal of everything and get the second opinion.  Good luck.

  • Posted

    Just wanted  To update: I saw my general doctor and he thinks maybe there is a tear that they cannot see on the MRI. He is sending me to the best ortho in the area and if he won't help me he said he will find someone else.  I'm feeling much more positive 

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