8 weeks on 100 mg for the second time feel anxious andintrusive thoughts

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8 weeks on 100 and 3 months on sertraline all together , this is my second time on this medication

i dont feel well i get intrusive thoughts that i will never be myself again and im stuck so i get fears like heart dropping feelings as if im in a car crash .

does this dose not affecting me anymore and i need to up ?

any advice plz .

i am a mom of 4 kids i need to function and foucus

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Maybe an increase could work, I found 150mg a stable dose for me in the past, and I was happy and functioned fine. Cbt is also worth doing, helped me a lot. Everyone different, but I would speak to your gp soon 😊

  • Posted

    hello there. Sorry to hear your not improving. Its hard to tell. Sometimes we need to up the dose but on the other hand sometimes the dose needs to drop. Have a word with your gp. Perhaps could prescribe something along sertraline to curb your anxiery

  • Posted

    Hi. i think you need to give it a bit longer, I was on 100mg then it was upped to 150mg in September. i had all the "stuff" I had when I first went on this tablet & everytime it has been upped. I honestly thought it wasnt working as anxiety awful, weird dreams etc., etc., BUT today I feel like my old self most of the time, little wobble now and again, rather than all day everyday & night. Only you can decide what you want to do, but maybe give it a little longer. Feel better soon..

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