8 weeks on 15 mg of citalopram

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Hi everyone, just an update on how I am doing. I have been taking 15 mg of citalopram for 8 weeks and I must say I am doing well. The first two weeks were the worst for me but somewhere between the second and third week things started getting better gradually. Everyday it seemed like little bits were changing for the better and my hubby noticed too. I have had a few blips these last couple weeks but they too seem to be less and less. I seem to be getting better as the weeks go by but I am still a bit nervous to drive by myself further than a couple of miles. I hope that eventually I will be able to drive like I did before all this.

I have been battling GAD and PD for 18 years, started on citalopram 10 mg 18 yrs ago and then doctor weened me off. Was good for about a year then my panic attacks came back hard and doc put me on lexapro which was my miracle pill. I was on lexapro 10mg for almost 5 years and it stopped working, so I had to start over with other meds. None of them worked for me

so doc put me back on citalopram 10 mg and added xanax twice a day because citilopram alone wasn't working real good. Anyway have been taking this combo for years until a few months ago when I suffered a traumatic lose of a family member, that is when my doc upped my dose of citilopram and here I am today recovering yet again for the umpteenth time. My doc eventually wants me on 20 mg but I am going to wait another month and hopefully I will be able to drive by myself again, if not I will go up to 20 mg and see if that works. Sorry for the long thread, just felt like sharing my experiences.

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2 Replies

  • Posted

    glad to hear you are doing a lot better! that's great!

    can I ask what other meds you tried before going back to citalopram? I assume none of them worked for you at all?.

    great to hear you are doing better though and hope things keep improving for you x

    • Posted

      I have tried stariline, fluoxetine, buspirone, vanifilaxin just to name a few. I can't remember all of them but some were just terrible and some gave me allergic reactions or just didn't work at all. 6 weeks on most and a few a bit longer with increased dosage over 2 month period. The only ones that ever worked for me were lexapro (not generic ) and celexa (citilopram).

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