8 weeks post op and doing well
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Really starting to feel good about this op. 8 weeks post op today and I can now walk a mile without too much pain; it's not like the "old days" at all! Just the last couple days I began riding my bicycle (after warming up on stationary bike first.) Talk about feeling positive. Went and dropped off a book at the library and picked up a few groceries without asking anyone for help or messing with a bus. Great. I can walk my sister's 100lb skittish dog. 100lb puppy. Still trouble sleeping but I wasn't that great at that before the op. I have 125+ bend but probably still about 3-5 degrees from straight. I think the bicylcle will help there. I expect I will still have some bumps but this beats the heck out of the knee prior to the op. Smiling about little things. You all hang in there and stay positive. I wish you the best.
7 likes, 19 replies
louise07185 sky1996
sky1996 louise07185
susan20089 sky1996
sky1996 susan20089
moandrieu sky1996
sky1996 moandrieu
One physical therapy tip for whoever will keep an open mind and try it is: Yoga. Go to YouTube and pick the yoga from a chair and the beginners version and go at your pace or slower. Just do about 15 minutes and nothing on your leg until you think you are ready. Just try it. An amazing difference for me. I always thought yoga was some mystical thing and perhaps it is at a higher level. For me, doing the simple breathing exercises and motions are really helping.
Walking the dog isn't brave at all. He listens but you do have to be able to bear your weight on the affected knee. I put walking the dog until just last week, when my leg felt like it could handle it. Thank you for the kind words and best of luck in your recovery! Stay positive!
sarah87162 sky1996
When I had my op I chose to have an epidural and remain awake. So much easier.
You sound to be doing quicker than I was. I was going to physiotherapy 3 times a week and took ages to get to 90 degree bend.
But it really is worth working at.
I too had trouble sleeping afterwards but I have always been a really good sleeper so this was a total shock to me and something I had really not prepared for. Even now nearly 3 years later I still don't think i sleep quite as well as i used to. It has changed the whole pattern somehow but a small price to pay for the knee improvement.
Let me know how you are doing.
sky1996 sarah87162
Dotty_Lotty sky1996
sky1996 Dotty_Lotty
clarachuff sky1996
sky1996 clarachuff
THAT is a lot of dogs! I had to Google a lurcher to see what it was. They say they are smart and fast. Cool. Good looking dog.
clarachuff sky1996
moandrieu sky1996
sky1996 moandrieu
sky1996 clarachuff
clarachuff sky1996
Actually I am SO lucky as we have a wood fairly close by and I can let some of them off there knowing they will be safe and can run as far and as fast as they want.........(.the old greyhound STILL thinks he's a racer, bless him!!)..........while I sit gracefully on a tree stump and wait for them to come back!!!!!! Its all good fun and makes me go OUT every day..........but NOT in the big and violent hailstorm we had today, phew, we JUST got home in time!!!!!
sky1996 clarachuff