9 days after outside hemorrhoid surgery and inside and still in so much pain , normal ? Anyone else
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question im home after 9 days ago having inside and outside hemorrhoids removed
inside were cut and burned shut the outside once were cut away and stiched
i here to ask if anyone had both done like me and is in the same situation and still hurting and burning so much after each # 2
please help , thank u
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Cjr27 babsyboo
heya im on day 17 after surgery. 3 grade 4 external & two internal done. i am absolutely miserable & still in so much pain. i have found showering right after the loo helpful? the fecal matter burns the wounds soooooo much. good luck !
babsyboo Cjr27
i take a bath each time after going # 2
so yes it help but does not take the pain away or burning completly if i may say so in my case
but getting better on day 10 today hope it gets better from now on each passing day i pray
i also had internal and external hemorrhoids removed
the insidecwas cut and burend outside were cut and stichted
so still in lots of discompfort , pain and burning most of the day
take stoolsoftner plus citrucel fiber 8 oz glass every morning plus lots of water as i love water so not a problem
take at night before bedtime milk of magnesia that by the next morning has u go
thank u for writing me back
what do u all rake to help u stay on top of it all
so sorry to hear that u are still miserable after day 17 pray and hope u get to feeling better soon
let me know please
thank u
Cjr27 babsyboo
im the same trying to take a shower or bath every time i go the loo. i take stool softeners every night& am on 4 hourly paracetamol & 8 hourly brufen. i was also prescribed buscopan to take after a bm to stop the spasming. unsure if it helps? i saw my surgeon on day 10 & he said i was healing well - no sign of infection & to just hang in there. i do have some tramadol i was taking but needed a break from it !
i hope you feel better soon
babsyboo Cjr27
so good to hear u doing better and got to see ur dr
that always helps amen
im in pain still and burning day 11 today
no infection just hurting badly and burning badly after each bowel movement
yes and then back into tub washing of
but still burn after doing so
i put dripple atibiatics cream on and dipper rash cream every time after the use of toilet and bath
not helping much , like u i am taking ibuprofin and tylenol as needed for sure still in this time of the game
also am and pm stool softner and am citrucel 8 oz fiber as dr asked me to and at night milk of magnesia but i think i use it last time tonight
then switch to minearel oil
dont see or get how people are back at work by week to , can u ?
still in so much pain now , my fays are most of them still in bed , what about u ? cant get rid of the burn to late noon maybe if the meds do there job
yes my dr gave me pain meds also to take if in to much pain Hydrocondone but not going to unless i have to
well hope to hear back from u again soon
so good to have some to write to that is in the same situation
thank u
babsyboo Cjr27
how are u holding up
u doing any better
im on day 12 still in pain and got burning going on after every bowel movement it gets more painful
my mornings are not fun thats for sure
put cream on it and taking tylenals
hope to get to hear back from u
thank u
Cjr27 babsyboo
day 20 here and its much the same. im taking paracetamol & ibprofen all the time, trying to stay away from opiates. im getting better but so incredibly slowly its awful. i thought by now i would be feeling so much better. my mood is so low as i cant do anything like going 4 a walk due to the pain - feeling so hopeless its awful. the burning after bm is getting better so at least thats a relief. SO regret having this done - the pain of having them was nothing compared to this
babsyboo Cjr27
thank u for getting back with me
i guess its just u and me so far on this side
thats ok it helps me a lot to hear from u and were u at as i am on day 13 and like u still in a lit of pain and burning and back bone hurting also my lower body hurts so much from not being able to do much
i hate it but needed it done for sure
dont remember if u said u had both done like me sorry ,
i had inside cut and burned and outside hemorrhoids cut and stiched the dr told me
so here is what i take daily , morning stool softner , IBU 200 mg and tylenals if pain gets really bad i take half of a hydrocodone pill i also drink 8 oz of citrucel fiber then at evening i take stool softner again and to keep my poop soft so it dont hurt going # 2 milk of magnesia 2 table spoons full at night right before bed time it helps the next morning for sure
does it stop the pain or burn NO then i take bath to wash of very warm right after the use of toilet thats for sure , it feels good while u in it but boy u get out the pain and burn is back . like u i miss my walking daily and doing all the house stuff but cant yet at this point . oh question if u dont mind , were are u from ? Do u eat light not much meat or salt , i still doing soups , toast and so on how about u
oh dont know if this will help u but i found out yesterday warming up my heat pillow and put it along my back and cheeks helps some with the pain , thought i let u know , at this point anything please . well cant wait to hear back from u it helps me a lot for sure
thank u
babsyboo Cjr27
u still on here
maybe not
hope this finds u doing better
im still in pain burning and in last 3 days starting to itch
please get with me if u can and have the time
would like to hear how u doing
thank u
Cjr27 babsyboo
hey how are you doing ? i have finally turned a corner & beginning to feel better. it has been 3 & a half weeks. still sore (esp after a bm) but now its really manageable.
im from new zealand how about you? how are you feeling? im still taking ibuprofen but stopped the laxatives & gone back to a normal diet
babsyboo Cjr27
thank u for getting back with me
it helps a lot
im on day 18 still hurting in the mornings after each BM i have like 2 to 3 of them and each time sit in bath after worth
today is my first day of follow up at the dr
cant wait to hear what he had to say
i still have pain and burning after each BM and in the last 4 days lots of itching
oh and i am from germany but live in USA now
is the burning and pain gone with u ?
after u got of laxatives u did not hurt or burn or rib anything
i am scared of that because it still hurts so bad going to the bathroom
when does the pain in the cheeks go away and the backaches
i still take citrucel in the morning 1 glass 8oz fiber eat healthy and only take milk of magnesia at night low mg
still take tylenals for pain and ibuprofin
cant wait to hear back from u again
thank u so much for doing that and ur time
Cjr27 babsyboo
i have the sore muscles in my lower back & bum cheeks as well still. i hope that begins to go soon! im like you amd still painful after a bm but not as sore - i used to have to lie down 4 an hour after & now its just sore rather than excrusiating. im drinking prune juice so trying to use a natural laxative which is helping. the burning is getting better but the the itching is awful - using hydrocortisone cream a few times a day which helps
babsyboo Cjr27
that was fast , thank u for doing that
what does Cjr stand for , what i am really wanting to ask
am i talking to a woman or a man
not that it would make a diffrence to me
yes i still need laying down on are bed after 3 times having BM in the morning because i hurt and burn and pain , take the ibuprofin then 400mg and wait on it to work
doing light house work already bit not back to completly me
still to much pain and also the ibuprofin makes me nauseas
good idea about prune juice but wont be good for me with acid reflex
so we see what dr hast to say today
i give u update if u like
again thank u for sharing with me it does help , hope it does for u to even that u are further along , cant eaitvto hear back from u
thank u
babsyboo Cjr27
so update after dr follow up
he said its looking good and doing just as it needs to do
the swollen outside once will go down in do time
well he also likes me to continue to do the night time milk of magnesia 15 mg until the pain is not as bad any more like it still is right now after every BM
he said normal for the cheeks and backbone to hurt after it is a pretty rough painful surgery and in a place were it takes time to heal do to it being were its always warm and wet
so i cant wait to get to the spot place were u are
did some light dusting then break and then vacuum and break dishes and break and then pain and heat pillow and tylenal
well that's it for now
hope to hear back from u soon , bye