9 years of this will it ever end!
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i constantly pray everyday all day long I'm never left alone its always one symptom after another and multiple ones at the same time. i still get a cycle every month they just have changed either heavy for awhile to light never on time either late or early. the main symptoms i cant take is this head woozy dizziness like on a boat and things looks like they move sometimes when they don't. and my face and ears stay on fire majority of the time like I'm in a furnace how does one live like this everyday? i cant get use to this its not normal even though they say normal part of life. I just want my cycle to leave and take all these symptoms with it. anyone else deal with these on a daily basis?
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Nettie261962 pamela2016
I have this every single day.... all day on and off. I'm miserable and scared too. Hard to believe hormones can be so nasty. I'm 56 soon to be 57 and started menopause at 48. The dizzy started 3 years ago. Just awful. Now have hot flashes, nausea, dizzy spells, balance issues, mood swings, irritability, anxiety and more. Can't take HRT as I am a breast cancer survivor (7 years out!). This forum saves my sanity. Such wonderful ladies on here.
paisleygirl Nettie261962
Hi Bettie I feel your pain can I just share that I am now 62 and finally have gotten some major relief from all this menopause nastiness...after having the peri meno from hell I thought once my cycle stopped I would be great ...my cycle stopped at 51 and then everything ramped up for me and it was a really hard road for at least 8 years but finally at 59 -60 years old it started to calm down .....very rarely do I get the hot flushing now , unfortunately the health anxiety has remained but to a much lesser degree I'm fine unless I have to see a doctor lol , the palpitations are almost non existent finally magnesium glycinate helped with that I still take it to this day it's great for heart health......I just want to share this to say don't despair there is light at the end of this long dark tunnel and you will come out on the other side of it a much stronger woman in the end ....Blessings
doris28535 paisleygirl
Very nicely said
debra16694 paisleygirl
Thank you Paisleygirl - I am 61, soon to be 62 & am still experiencing symptoms. i started peri @ 52, with insomnia, night sweats & flooding. Lost my period @ 55 & all hell broke loose about 3 years ago. i pray everyday that i am close to the end of this nightmare - i have experienced close to all 66 symptoms, my latest is horrific knee pain to the point it hurts to function, its mostly in my right knee, but is starting in my left, so i know its not a torn meniscus or something like that - i am not on anything aside from magnesium, fish oil & stress vitamins - my fear about HRT Is that coming off of them i would have to go thru this again. Thank you for giving me some hope. PS Did you ever get the achy joint thing?
paisleygirl debra16694
Hi Debra like you I experienced all 66 plus symptoms ...joints that aches so bad I thought I must have fibro, extreme itchiness especially on my arms, thinning hair, palpitations all day long for days on end , insomnia and on and on my anxiety was through the roof ....a senior lady told me once to look at all the seniors ladies that are active in their later years and to think they all went through this journey and came out okay that it is something we all go through but we will all come out okay on the other side of it eventually ...I try to remind myself of that every time it got hard to deal with and it did help me to put it in its right perspective....at the moment the worst of my symptoms are gone I do have a bladder prolapse now due to a weakened pelvic floor thanks to low hormones but it's a breeze compared to all the other stuff ......just hang in there it will get better 💖
Cass63 paisleygirl
Bless you Paisleygirl 😃
You will never know how badly I needed this post today. Dealing with the crazies again for the umpteenth time in 10 years.
Happy to hear that things are better for you. Thanks again for giving the rest of us hope. GOD Bless
debra16694 paisleygirl
Oh, thank you so much Paisleygirl - That is so funny what you said about looking at older woman...i just started an adult ed class for stress & strength for over 60 & i just looked across the room & thought...all these woman must have experienced menopause & they are not dead from anxiety or heart palps, burning body parts, achy joints, body vibrations, hot flashes/hot flushes etc. etc. etc. i also thought, woman are really like warriors, we handle & cope with so much in life & you are right, it is just another stage we will get thru, its just the fight to get thru it thats the hard part - but we are so strong we will survive it!
lucy48229 paisleygirl
Hi Paisleygirl,
Thanks for your sharing information. You give me some hope! Thank God!
Edell7329 pamela2016
I understand completely! I have been going thru this for 2 years and i feel the same way. It started with dry mouth then acid reflux. The acid reflux gave me chest pain so then the health anxiety went thru the roof. i had dizziness and that thing where you think things are moving but there not but only for a short time. I think that might have been a side effect of nexium cause when i stopped taking that it went away. I have had weird leg an foot vibrataions, joint and shoulder pain. Headaches, head pressure, sinus issues. Heart palps .Im currently having left sided pelvic pressure and now tinnitus. I have had a million tests and thank the good Lord Jesus they have all come back ok. I had a hysterectomy that left the ovaries almost 4 years ago. Cant take HRT because i had a blood clot 4 years ago. Drs are zero help. Just want to give u anti depressants. Hugs and prayers that these symptoms will end for all of soon!
Guest pamela2016
Hi Pamela, yes I have been a complete mess since stopping birth control pills in June of 2017. everyday the dizzy, unbalanced boat like, sensitive to light, sound, smell, weird feelings are there for me 24/7.. Then, it's either a migraine, neck/back pains, awful fatigue, nausea. This past week I have been up all night with sweats/flashes, heart palps and my body just hurts today...I checked my symptom calendar and this is my ovulation week and I always feel flu like.
I was diagnosed with vestibular migraine brought on by erratic hormones I am on a med, vitamins and elimination diet to control the chronic migraines.. Tried to go back on BCP but my migraines increased, so I had to stop them.
Not sure which way is up right now. Although I have been tested for all the bad stuff...I still think there is something wrong. But, the only thing a miss in my pages of blood work is my near zero estrogen and progesterone....and my high FSH. I still get a cycle, if it shows up. I have gone 57 days without. Sometimes it is every 21-25 days. Always a couple of days and very light. I am lucky to have maybe 5 functioning days per month. I am 41, married, 2 kids and feel like a corpse. Barely ever had so much as a cold before this all started. I have to go back to my gyno in a couple of months to see what other options there are for me. In that time, hopefully the migraine med helps with the migraines, then the dizzies.
Thank goodness for this forum and everybody being so open about their experiences. Hopefully, we can all be normal again or at least catch more breaks in our symptoms.
doris28535 pamela2016
Your monthly cycle will stop but you will still know when you are to start because your body says its time to start your period i have been going through this for 9 years now and some of the side affects have passed but their are other days that i think i'm going to start and i get the cramps and fatuige along with this, My mom never told me that menopause would be like this i know other women that have menopause and they don't have these problems. some even say they have more engery i don't some days i don't even want to get out of bed and all the doctor says with is part of life well they can keep this part of life i don't like it one little bit hope you can find some answers, when you do can you post and let us know what you found dock says take this vitamin and try this see if it helps.
cindy13132 pamela2016
hi there, im reading all these posts and thinking wow i didn't realize menopause could be this bad! I'm 52 and have had some weird change in my digestive system ive had noting but issues for the past 2 years IBS and diverticultis specifically. i also have hip joint pain lots of anxiety and sometimes even depression. i still have my periods as you mentioned but they are different. Lately theyve been coming 22-24 days apart. is this what this is ? I also feel so tired and fatigued and have no energy or look forward to anything . i feel like my doctor doesnt believe in menopause or hormone changes especially since i still have periods. i think Im in it, at least peri-menopause which i heard can be worse than menopause.
thanks ladies its been a rough past few days ovulation week things ramp up this time of the month. i think my estrogen is lower my bladder feels sensitive hard to explain no infection hope we all get relief soon