A different flush?
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Hi ladies, how are you all doing? In the midst of all this hormonal madness, does anyone get a burning hot face not always related to hot flushes? sometimes my BP will spike & that causes this leaving me feeling woozy n feeling off balance, scary & horrible I also sometimes feel like I have low blood sugar, strange hungry shaky sensation. My Dr says it's all hormone related.
Thnx ladies, stay well
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nikiola18292 Bobbins059
nancy0925 Bobbins059
susan21149 Bobbins059
Its scary when you have all this stuff and you are in menopause
Bobbins059 susan21149
pinkcatfairy Bobbins059
shaznead Bobbins059
bobbysgirl Bobbins059
I'm someone who does not usually add salt to my food. But I do listen to my body now, and there are still times when I have a craving for salty food. The other strange one is ginger. I have a cupboard full of it, crystallised, ground, pickled and biscuits - as the need arises.
In the West, we ALL eat too much sugar. Sometimes something simple like a glass of water, a little salt or ginger (great for calming the stomach) is what we need. Your doctor is right it IS hormone related. The question you have to ask is, why?
Bobbins059 bobbysgirl
shaznay96184 Bobbins059
Weird. Woke up this morning with one red cheek. Nothing strange in that, other than it wasn't hot, and it wasn't on the left cheek (sleep on left side).
Gutted, thinking it was the start of rosacea
. Don't drink much at all, don't smoke, take any meds, (or recreationals - but sometimes wish I did
!), don't eat hot spicy foods, but do eat tons of tomatoes.
2hrs later it was gone. Gawd Almighty! Not another bloody symptom to have to get used to. I don't have flushes at present, other than a big one after a cup of coffee, but with my fair colouring I really hate having a red face (used to blush on cue when I was a kid/teenager, which school mates loved to tease me about: no wonder I developed a 'P*ss Off!' attitude then!!)
Yep, only in the past 6-8wks have I noticed that hungry/shaky hands/light headed sensation. Horrible. Feel desperate to eat (although I don't think choc bics/Twix are classed as 'natural remedies' really!). Feel 100 times better once I've eated a proper bit of grub. But I don't like it, and of course worry that its the onset of Type 2.
Been on a diet for 2wks. Lost almost diddly squat, but I've completely cut out bics, cakes, chocolate, crisps. Watching my overall carb intake as I find I can feel a bit like this if I overload of pasta in particular. Haven't lost much weight (talk about confirmation that everything gets worse the older you get (54)!), but it must be better for me.
I think the lesson I've learnt is to eat regularly, don't even think about skipping a meal, as it just brings on that awful feeling, and lay off the sweet stuff.
Oh, ain't life sweet!!!!
Bobbins059 shaznay96184
Take Care, keep well
shaznay96184 Bobbins059
Know exactly what you mean/how you feel. Gone are the days of skipping breakfast!
Like you, the earlier I start eating, the more likely I am to kick-start the digestive system and I too need to eat little....AND VERY OFTEN!!
If I don't eat I get the shaky/light-headed feeling. Not good.
I do find if I eat early and fill up early, I don't want to eat around Teatime (when I cook the main meal). But as a consequence I'll want something.....at 9pm!!!
This bloody Peri has completely balls'd up my attempts at dieting. What with the on/off bouts of constipation, I feel like i've put on a stone!! (yeah I'm the one that taking magnesium doesn't make everything fall out of me, grrrrr!!)
Oh well. Its all par for the course I suppose..........
Guest Bobbins059
I read your message and thought I could give you my story to (hopefully) ease your anxiety.
I began to get irregular periods around the same time I started to get flushed cheeks and restless legs at night. The flushing transformed to what I thought to be adult acne at times. I didn't think it was perimenopause related because I didn't think that at 46 I could be perimenopausal. (I was wrong). Anyway, a year later, the acne became a daily thing. I went to the doctor (a female) and she thought I might have Rosacea and gave me a metronidazole cream to put on the acne. At the same time, I started to skip and have irregular periods. The cream seemed to tame the acne and flushing but I also started to take probiotics, liver cleansing herbal supplements and use bee pollen products to try to balance my gut flora, having read that Rosacea can be a symptom of a PH imbalance of the intestinal tract. Well, three months later, I still have the irregular periods, restless legs and some mild night sweats, but the flushing has subsided considerably and I don't use the prescription antibiotics every day and I rarely get the acne. If I I do (whether I use the cream or not) , the red bumps come and go, sometimes within hours or appearing. I wonder now if really ever had a true Rosacea, or whether the flushing and acne are just symptoms of my fluctuating hormones. I had even stopped drinking any alcoholic beverages just because they say not to drink them if you have Rosacea. Now, even when I drink a glass of cider or beer, I may or may not have a flare-up which leads me to think, the redness isn't necessarily a true and permanent rosacea and that eventually, when the hormones level off, the Rosacea will disappear. However, I do use a mild lotion facial cleanser, toner, and BHA exfoliator as well as sunscreen to protect my skin.
Anyways, don't panic. The flushing may or may not be Rosacea. If it comes and goes, see what you're eating and assess whether your other menopausal symptoms accompany the flushing. Good luck.
shaznay96184 Guest
Thanks for that. Felt a bit of dejavu reading as sounded like a much younger colleague's experience.
She had a mirena fitted when she was about 32. Soon after she got the flushed face and really bad spots. I had a read up and suggested she may have adult acne/rosacea. *smug face* I was right!!
Think it was the hormones in the mirena that bought it on. She was prescribed antiBs, but had the mirena removed......much to her regret when her heavy periods returned with a vengeance
I too avoid booze, don't eat hot spicy food, but do
Love strong coffee and tomatoes!!
delilah82600 Bobbins059