A feeling of constant sweating then hot flashes...

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Hi ladies,, just wondering if any of you have the feeling of constant sweating and then in between the times of sweating I will get a hot flash and this goes on all day,, generally I am getting about 20 flashes a day!! its really annoying and scary and maybe seems it possibly gets worse with my stress....but this is constant not just once in awhile!! thank you ladies don't know what i would do without u all...xxxx

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes, I used to get this way every now and then but now since my periods are further apart I get them more often. The other day I had a heat flash which seemed to last for most of the day. It was insane to feel that hot. I couldn't cool down for anything. I had to lay down in front of my fan to cool off. You're not alone.

    • Posted

      this is my form of flashes hot all day no sweating cant cool down its horrible and annoying. its down in the 40's at night and im still using air conditioner. hubby freezes but i cant burn up never ending

    • Posted

      I usually have to have the windows open and a fan on in the evening. My family just looks at me like I'm crazy.

    • Posted

      we all sound so funny,,, just trying to be positive but this is really torture when any of these symptoms go on for days!!! Thank you girls for all your support you all always make me feel better❤

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      Sharcerv,,, they all think Im crazy also.... I hate this we always feel like the outsiders!!

  • Posted

    hello...I was having the same problem and about 2 weeks ago i started taking estroven and apple cider vinegar and Im down to 1 or 2 during the day and maybe 2 during the night. I was having them like you!

    • Posted

      Hi mary will try apple cidar vinegar have never heard of that one for this but am willing to try anything, have some in the fridge! have been just hot for months on end with the flashes but the constant sweating is horrible, Im also active and Im one of the girls that lost a lot of weight through all this from feeling so sick and nauseous!!hugsxxx

  • Posted

    This is how I was when it all first started it was absoloutely exhausting, I would be wet through from my head down to body. I'm on oestrogen gel and urogestan now and I only occasionally get a hot flush but nothing like how they were . Just got a whole load of new symptoms to deal with now it's never ending.

    • Posted

      Hi meme,,, going to talk to doc about hrt,, but everytime I try some other symptoms get bad,,, you are right it was exhauting being soaking wet,, felt like i am working out all night and day....hugsxx i don't feel as alone!

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