a kind of scientific question

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Hello ladies,

I would like to know if  it is the rise and after the drop in levels of progesterone that leads in our menstrual cycle every month?

I know that it is more an interaction of other hormones  but the day we start our cycle the progesterone hormone is at the lowest thus we start the bleeding that time?

Sorry for my question but this hormonal hell experience  can made us more experts than the doctors.


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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Evi!  Actually have this in my saved stuff!  This is would be a long post to explain...  go to ...women in balance dot org..then find how does my hormone cycle work.  

    It explains it pretty well!  Also why FSH rises as you get closer to meno!  😊

  • Posted

    You're right about us becoming more experts than the doctor. You go to the doctor and they are clueless sometimes. It is not rocket science to try and read up and research this stuff. Then they should listen to your patients and get a clue for heaven's sake! I can't tell you how many doctors have brushed off what I'm experiencing as not being peri menopause because I'm "too young" and "still seeing my periods". They need to send all of these doctors back to school, seriously. They must have all been absent when they were covering the part about menopause.

    • Posted

      How old are you?

      I am too young for this too and still have periods. Thus, according to the doctors I am ok and my symptoms are not so  awful. it is ridiculous that they do not want to accept it. I am sure they know that we have right.

      Their usual guidelines "You have depression, anxiety disorder, you have to see a shrink, take an AD!

      All in all, I feel abandoned form God, from people, from doctors,  from whole universe. 


    • Posted

      I am only 44. I started this mess when I was about 36.

      God has not abandoned you. Believe me He loves you. This is the time that I rely on my faith the most.

  • Posted

    Yes, the start of of the cycle corresponds to the lowest level of progesterone hormone.  Your progesterone levels rise after ovulation peaking mid luteal phase and dropping back down.  When the progesterone level drops to its lowest levels, you will begin to bleed.  In women who bleed too heavily or for too many days, the hormones are not balanced during the luteal phase.  The estrogen needs to be balanced by the progesterone or overgrowth of the uterine lining occurs.
    • Posted

      Thanks for your thorough reply Rachel

      I am sure  that all my hormones are in abnormal imbalance! I feel a little better only third week of each cycle


  • Posted

    I just bought a used copy of menopause for dummies...I am going to carry it around in my pocketbook. For the next time anybody thinks I’m nutso!  It says in there exactly what we are dealing with.  SOME drs only hear the word menopause and have no clue about peri...fixating on the period thing...or age.  

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