A Little Info

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Hello Ladies,

I shared some info in my post yesterday that I think will give you a generalized ideas of what's going on with the hormones. Here is a little info I found along the way. Even though everybody's body is different and peri can last for some years, this may give you an little idea of how far along you may be.

FIRST PHASE- progesterone levels decline leaving your body in oestrogen dominance. Some of the symptoms you may expierence is bloating, cramps, mood swings, and tender breast.

SECOND PHASE-oestrogen level also declines. Some of the symptoms you may expierence is hot flushes, memory problems, heart paplpitations, migraine headaches, and vaginal dryness.

THIRD PHASE-oestrogen and progesterone levels decline to near menopausal levels. Some of your symtpoms may recede at this point. You will still expierence some but will going into your menopausal years.

Again, we all are different and expierence a lot more symptoms than what is mentioned but this just gives an idea as to where you may be in the process. ((Hugs)) to all you wonderful and supportive ladies. Thanks for being here.

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25 Replies

  • Posted

    No problem. Any useful info to help ease our minds I'm always willing to share. ~Take care Lovlies~
  • Posted

    That was just the information I was looking for all the male doctors are contradicting themselves giving me just estrogen patches and feeling 10 times worse when according to this I need progesterone I've now come off all HRT as I feel terrible I am going to try natural progesterone by now so we will see how that goes but my goodness I was not ready for this it's totally knocked my off my feet xxxx
    • Posted

      That's how I felt too. Im so tired of doctors telling me it's not peri because of my age or the fact that I still have regular cycles. All my bloods say I'm fine with a few vitamin deficiancies, and all other tests and scans say I'm fine so I needed answers. I started reasearching peri and this info gave me a little insight to what is going on with these up and down hormones.
  • Posted

    Thanks Jamie. I only recently realised this too. 

    I think also super important to monitor our hormones too if at all possible, case in point snowbell and I overdosing on progesterone cream which is just as dangerous as excess estrogen.

    Also for what it's worth.. I kept trying to find the LINK between hormones and our gastric issues, so many of us BLOAT PAIN GAS etc and I found fluctuating hormones make us more susceptible to an overgrowth of bad bacteria in our guts. So MAYBE this is why so many of us had digestive issues? That or slow digestion causes the problems..

    Anyways always open to correction/clarification/HOPE.... lol

    • Posted

      It definitely is a connection along with a increased load on our liver as the hormones decline.
    • Posted

      Oh yeh didnt think about the liver! Im sick to death of my life revolving around the toilet sad if im not constipated its the opposite!
    • Posted

      Ella, do you know if a good probiotic supplement may help with the digestive issues?
    • Posted

      You are right. Most of the month I'm constipated and cycle time I have diarrhea. It's horrible and always something.
    • Posted

      Interesting you say this, as last few months I have been waking at around 3 with an uncomfortable stomach - feels gurgly, bloated and unsettled, coinciding with all my other menopausal symptoms. I haven't been able to figure out why, as I'm particularly carefly with what I eat at night, and never eat after around 7.
    • Posted

      Me too anna. No specific time but im waking up with gurgling crampy pains. I try to watch what i eat too. Then it settles down...
    • Posted

      I wis i could help. I keep being told to take them but i swear they dont help... sad
    • Posted

      Ive been more dioarhea last few days and i know my cycles dur any day and once again EARLY
    • Posted

      Good lord youre a wealth of information! The company who makes it is mine! Il ring them asap
    • Posted

      So funny how these things all revolve around my cycles and have been for years but I never put it together. These hormones are wild and crazy. I wish I was one of those people who could just sail through it.
    • Posted

      I guess sitting at the computer and doing research for hours on end because this peri is driving me mad has some benefits. LOL. I wish I was able to try the oil though. Let me know if you try it and it works smile
    • Posted

      Same here Jamie. My cycle brings such misery. Cant wait for this to be over with.
    • Posted

      Yeh i dont know about that one lol... maybe all the hours on the internet us driving us a little pottier... he he anyway i had a look and sod it they just have sellers in NZ and lordy is it expensive BUT ive recently developed a love of incence and oils.... very relaxing! That reminds me, rhodiola and l theanin....back to endless hours of researching i go.....
    • Posted

      WOW WEEE it only took one minute of reading and reviews of LTheanine calming women down, stopping ibs symptons, il have some of that yes please!
    • Posted

      Right?! When my chiropractor recommended it, I went home to do research and was amazed. Why didn't I know about this sooner? So I ran out and got some to try tonight. I pray that using in combination with the Rhodiola, I get some relief. Oh I pray
    • Posted

      Ive just started seeing a chiropractor too!

      hes been muscle testing me and came up with dairy/gluten and bad bacteria in my gut! Part of me doesn't believe in muscle testing so I cheated on the diet he has me on... Serves me right I still have digestive probs. I'm still buying L theanine though smile I'm thinking take at night to help with sleep....

    • Posted

      I did gluten free for a few months, never noticed a huge difference in my symptoms so I now eat gluten again, just more limited and not as much as I used too. But never has muscle testing, sounds interesting. Im excited about the L theanine as well, we need some relief!

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