A long list of symptoms
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Hello everybody,
My name is Caroline and Im 15 years old.
Since september that I haven't been felling like myself, and before I get into my long long list of symptoms Im going to tell you a little bit about myself.
My parents got divorced when I was 5 years old, It was a pretty nasty divorce and my mom has full custody of my brother and I, I must say that im very happy that my dad isn't in my life so the fact that hes not around does not bother me at all.
I have a pretty good relationship with my mom and my brother.
I have been bullied before because I cant pronounce "s", but its not in a mean type of bully is just kids playing around, and I also dont mind it because my friends always have my back.
Im a little "crazy" I talk to much, Im the type of girl that makes everybody smile!
I have no problem in the social life, I make friends very easilly and people in general just like me and my personality.
I dance since im 3 years old, so I always been very fit and had a perfect balance/cordination.
Im telling you all this because my doctor says that I have anxietty wich for me doesn't make sense, yes im a tennager and from time to time theres drama in my life, but I deal very well with it.
So as I was saying since september everything has changed, here are my symptoms:
- mild headaches that simply wont leave, medication doesn't work at all and they seem to get worst when i sneezed or bend over;
- I have really bad nausea and have always the feeling that im about to puke but then I dont, that happens everytime I lay down or after a meal;
- I have been founding myself with dificulty talking, like I can't remember words or in a sentence I'll switch the words (when I do this I am not awarw, usually people are like -whats did you just say), and also when im writting i forget how to write simple words;
- I have been breathless ( wich I never did, as I said before im fit, and Im the best runner in my class) and it takes only like taking 10 steps to start having dificultty breathing;
- I also have constant blackouts and dizziness;
- my balance/cordination have also changed If im standing, I'll start shaking as if my body whats to fall over or as if my legs arent strong enough;
- My rigth leg hurts really badly and If i bend it over my body will fall im also been walking a little crooked with my legs "open" and I realized this because the sole of my shoes only walf of it is worn;
- I have been forgetting little stuff, like my notebooks or my backpack (and that never happen before) since semptember that had happen to me at least 6 times, and I also stay locked out of my house 3 times because I forgot my keys;
- I have been having this weird felling in my brain, like all of the sudden it stays cold and kinda like numb (only the right half);
- In fact since september my right side of my body is getting numb and with a feeling of pins and needles very very frequently but it usually goes away but for the last 4 days the numbest of my leg wasnt gone away, sometimes I'll even stop felling my body parts (arm and leg) and its really scary, the first time it happen I got so scared I started banging my feet at the table and felt nothing! Usually when it happens I also cant move the affected area I try to but i cant, now the being able to feel and move my leg or arm happens at least once a day;
- I also have been experiencing little muscle jerking my doctor said there myoclonic seizures and I shouldn't worry about them, but I think they're related with whatever is happening to me because they only happen in the right side of my body;
- I have really bad ear pain, they always seem stuffed and they kinda "ring" once again its usually only in my right ear;
- This is a little bit embaracing and I haven't told anybody , but I sometimes lose my bladder... Its not like I pee myself, but If I get the feeling that i have to go to the bathroom I have to go immediatly! And if I hold it in for a little bit it stars hurting A LOT, and trought the day sometimes it pee myself just a few drops and the same thing with my bowel, but I only poop like 2 times per week, but when I do it hurts and my pop its kinda soft and discusting!;
- I also have no stregth, like zero, which make no sense!!;
- I also have been loosing weigth but not that much, sometimes just a few grams sometimes onces;
- I have from time to time a weird sensation as there is a really brith ligth in the room and its horrible!;
- my eyes also burn like alot for no reason and they hurt when I look up;
- Througth my body I also have this really bad stabbung burning scensation that usually last like 1 or 2 minutes but hurts A LOT;
I hope im not forgetting anything!!
Im being followed by a GP, wich made me some tests, but all came back negative, they were:
- Ultrasound to all my abdominal region that showed just some swollen lymphnodes;
- a virus bug that lives in the stomach very very common but I didnt have it;
I did some allergy tests that weirdly came back positive, i say weirdly because i never had allergy problems they just started in september and that must be related with whatever is happening with me because i didnt move houses or schools to trigeer allergies;
I did some blood test that came back with some high levels of LDH, Albumin and proteins, did them again and again and the results are always the same, HIGH,
My GP, sent me to do some full body x-rays because she says that It migth be something to do with rheumatology but she thinks its unlikelly and so do I,
After this x-rays nothing more its gonna be done for me, and im just gonna be follow by a psychologist to deal with the anxiety that I dont have, in fact the Phychologist told me she is going to talk to my GP to continue testing, because I dont have anxiety.
To be honest im a little bit scared...
Just because I feel horrible all the time and have this feeling that something is wrong with me and that im seriously ill,
My instinct is usually always right...
My mom is also very concern,
Because she has adopted and because we dont talk to my dads familly we dont have any familly records of medical issues...
If you have any ideia of what this migth be, please reply to this post, and tell me if you think this is something serious...
Im really really tired, and keep waking up several times in the middle of the nigth because I just dont feel well,
I am also not doing PE or dance because im just ib so much pain and keep falling over.
Thank you for reading
1 like, 10 replies
Jaybelle caroline64714
caroline64714 Jaybelle
My vitamin D levels had been checked and they're normal.
Thank you
craig84609 caroline64714
caroline64714 craig84609
I haven't done any MRI of my brain.
My mom is also worried that this is something neurological the problem is we can only see a neuro doctor if my GP makes the appointment.
About the loosing control of my urine, the reason I haven't told anybody is not just because I feel a little embarrassed but also because im a little scared of what that could mean, I know its not normal especially for someone my age.
But tomorrow hopefully if we see my GP, i'll tell her.
Thanks again for your reply
craig84609 caroline64714
caroline64714 craig84609
It has been really helpfull,
Today I went to have some x-rays and talk to my rheumatologist,
My x-rays were fine, I have a tiny problem on the top of my column but very minimal, when my rheumatologist was examinating me I lost my balance and felt, and after I told her that very frequently my hand and leg go numb and I stop feeling them she make me an appointment with a neurologist,
So hopefully this month I will have an appointment with a neurologist to get to the bottom of this.
Once again, thank you and I will make sure to keep you updated
lisalisa67 caroline64714
caroline64714 lisalisa67
Thank you for your reply.
No, nobody has taken me to the neurologist.
My mom is very worried that what I have is something neurological, but I can only see a neurologist if my GP makes an appointment with one, and so far she hasn't.
Tomorrow I will do my X-rays and hopefully talk to my GP, we then will ask about the ideia of visiting a neuro doctor.
Thanks again for your reply
maria61017 caroline64714
Your symptoms sound neurological and you should see a neurologist for further investigation.
Keep us updated,
caroline64714 maria61017