A lovely walk today but need a new husband lol

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I give up with my husband after yesterday I thought he could not say anything worse, but we went for a walk along the prom my walking is getting much easier. 

Not as much pain in bending the leg on the way home we called in to his aunties and uncles they were omg Lynn your doing so great.

brian said yes she is she has got two prostrate new knees omg I said I have not we all went in pleats laughing... He is losing the plot 

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Well lynne at least he makes you laugh and they say laughter is the best medicine??? Which prom did you stroll along??
    • Posted

      New Brighton Andrea they have done it up lovely now oh yes he does make me laugh he always has lol
    • Posted

      New Brighton Andrea they have done it up lovely now oh yes he does make me laugh he always has lol
  • Posted

    I think that your Brian might soon be lying 'prostrate', having received a bunch of 'fives' from you if he is not careful.

    PS. You appear to be doing very well, so keep up the good work.



    • Posted

      He will be in a ward soon Archemedes he is going round the twist he says its me sending him lol
  • Posted

    Ha ha. Love it Lynn.  They are priceless these men.  I had to tell mine, after having scrambled eggs for nearly a week, that there were such things as take away meals.  We decided to cook up a large pot of soup as a healthy lunch option. Honestly, how can a man of 73. Not know how to make soup?   I am having my other knee done in five weeks. I will be filling the freezer with peel back and serve dinners, otherwise I will be egg bound.  
    • Posted

      Hi sueoz

      im 56 my husband us 73 but super fit and a great cook I must say and great round the house but I am just getting back into the swing of things now...washing on ironing  making the beds and doing some light cooking I think I'm pushing his nose out haha I filled the freezer when I had left leg done it really helped so do it we don't need you clucking good luck with your next op 

    • Posted

      Day one back from the hospital . .hubby says he'll roast a chicken.  so I stand in the kitchen directing the operaton.  Decide the easiest is just to put some butter on it and a stock cube.  Hubby gets stock cube out, places it on top of chicken still in its silver foil and say 'OK???'  Well, at least he tried. . . .
  • Posted

    You're all lucky to have spouses who can help out...it's a very different matter when you're on your own.  My friends were great with transporting me backwards and forwards to the hospital, but my poor 86 year old dad had to stay with me which was quite stressful at times!

    Well done, Lynn, you sound like you are making great progress.

  • Posted

    He sounds perfect ... have you thought about hiring him out! Because after having this bleeding operation there's not much to laugh about!! Tell him to keep up the good work!!!

    It sounds like it is doing you the world of good as well. Good on you! 😉👍

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