a lump at the anal opening! help
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Hope this isn't to disgusting but I'm looking for advice. I am a 24 year old male and find this topic very hard to bring up with my GP. I have scheduled an appointment and understand I'm probably going to need an examination & biopsy to know if it's cancerous. But in your medical opinion based these images and symptoms what do you think it could be?
- Constipation, I have had conniptions issues for the last few years, but I've always thought It was dietary related as I wasn't the healthiest eater and only recently started changing that.
- Occasional bleeding, I haven't really had much of this except very small amounts during bowl movements sometimes.
- Occasional pain after bowl movements and the pain was definitely never to severe.
I have been ignoring this for a long time and figured this is probably piles or something else? But I am not sure.... Looking forward to your reply.
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Some additional info I forgot to mention is 2 very important symptoms which is itching/swelling in and around the area and the main reason to increase my concern as this as worsened recently. Also I'd note the size of the lump is roughly the size of 1-2 peas.
chicky1 ryan993234
Sounds like hemorrhoids. Get some preparation H and go to a urologist.
pattino ryan993234
Lumps in that spot are common , usually when you wipe too many times after BM it becomes so dry that the anal muscle cannot retract back inside ,this leads to pain ,inflammation usually it's hemorrhoids.
It's easy to fix with hemorrhoid creams and wipes ,I think it's even better to apply pure shea butter outside and 1 inch inside.
If this solves the problem then you don't need doctors or tests.
Jack0331 pattino
yes, and invest in a bidet, best investment you'll make if you have hemroids.
leeniepie ryan993234
This is a haemmarroids, or a blocked hair follicle, hard to tell from the pick. Can easily be treated with over he counter cream, no need for gp or prescription.
ryan993234 leeniepie
Thanks everyone for your opinions! It really is appreciated. I ordered a bunch of natural products for treating hemmoroids/inflamination and will update my progress over the next weeks. At that time I'll go to the GP if there's no major improvement. Thanks again!