A matter of taste
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Hi! I am in perimenopause and I also experience digestive issues. This being said, I want to ask if anyone has a problem with taste. It's happened about three different times. I don't believe it's the food. Today I was eating a Pop-tart. I love pop-tarts but suddenly it tasted really bad. It was good at first but then YUCK!! And last night I drank a soft drink that I love to drink and then it started tasting funny and the glass started smelling funny. I put it down and came back to it later and the glass smelled normal and the drink tasted good. What is happening to my sense of taste?? I know that my Grandmother complained of things not tasting right. She would add sugar to just about everything she ate because of it.
Even chocolate doesn't taste like it did to me anymore. Is it old age? What is wrong with me?? I won't give up my Pop-tarts and chocolate!
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juanita93228 lori92895
klm1213 lori92895
susane84679 lori92895
sharcerv52408 lori92895
Believe it or not lady menopause even tampers with our taste buds and our olfactory sense. She has to dip her hands into everything. Things don't have any taste to me anymore like it used to either. I eat most of the time just to keep something in my stomach. I don't have a real appetite for food like I used to. It's sad too because I used to love to cook and bake and am pretty good at it. I used to be a cook in my professional capacity but since peri hit I don't feel like cooking any more and I couldn't bear to do it professionally any more because the heat in those kitchens would take me out of here. Could you imagine having a heat flash in a kitchen? But these are the cards we've been dealt. We just need to figure out how to play them and win the game.
Guest lori92895
Hi Lori! You are brave! Pop tarts would be lodged in my GI track for a month! I agree...taste is kind of blah now. Another thing too, I recently started amitripyline for migraines and I have dry mouth now...everything tastes like cardboard. ADs will do that too. 🙄
Guest lori92895
Would love to hear how you are doing with the amitrypiline (sp?) with regard to your migraines. I suffer from them and 4-5 / month. I suffer through with Tylenol, caffeine and a muscle relaxer. My neurologist prescribed triptans but I do not want to take because of the vasoconstrictor side effects. I am exploring other options at this point.
Guest Guest
Hi Kim, I am still in the early stages... I started at 5 mg ( my choice) for a week. On day 4 of my prescribed 10 mg. I take at 6pm. PROS...I am sleeping really well. Side effects not too bad...a little sleepy first couple days. CONS...dull headache, neckache, whoozy now and the last couple days...feels like a migraine brewing BUT, it has been cloudy here and that is a trigger for me. Also, my period is late...on day 36...not sure if it is coming this month or not. I’m confused at the moment and do not want to blame the meds for how I feel. From what I understand amitripyline is supposed to be very effective...just will have to give it more time...I guess! 😊