A message to those who have had Mono for 3+ months.

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i was diagnosed with mono about a year ago in july of 2018. i had symptoms for over 6-7 months. i was extremely anxious and worried, i was stressing myself out too much. i had weird symptoms, one of them was intense itching whenever i got hot.. pretty weird but this caused me to think i had lymphoma, thousands of dollars of tests later turns out it was just mono. i saw many different doctors, finally i saw an infectious disease specialist who knew all about mono. apparently in about 10% of mono cases, it lasts very long up to a year or longer, but it always goes away at some point. sure enough, it went away. shame it took so long, after so many anxious nights, and luckily i got it somewhat young (at 20) and don't have much fatigue or lasting effects. just know, if you are scared and worried its something more, it's almost certainly not. mono presents itself very weirdly in some, like me... i could not find anyone online saying they got it itchy with mono, sure enough, i did. trust me, it goes away, and to be honest, no special drinks, foods, or vitamins will speed up the process. of course you should eat healthy, but with mono, it takes its own course, just be patient and try not to worry, it will go away soon enough and life will be back to normal!

3 likes, 14 replies

14 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Clayton,

    It is really good to see a post from you and so pleased to hear that you have been seeing some real progress and improvements - that is great news. Absolutely it's true that this virus can take many many months and anything intense inside that first year is not uncommon at all. I went through a similar path / timeline as yourself, it took me about 10 months to see a big turning point, and even though it took a bit of time to get back to 100% still after that, it came thanks to God.

    You will continue to improve too over the coming period Clayton, rest assured of that - my experience was that the second year was SO much easier and was able to start living my life again, still rest when you need to rest and just watch about overdoing it too much, but so pleased you are seeing improvements and your story will definitely encourage and help a lot of others who are struggling right now. Thanks for posting!


    • Posted

      thanks craig! appreciate the posts when i was really feeling ill and worried months and months back

      , best

    • Posted

      Thanks Clayton, that's kind of you to say. Grateful for your words of support too as been having a tough few weeks myself. Hoping for better times ahead for us all.


    • Posted

      Hey Craig, just want to say hi! Hope that things are ok for you....I sincerely appreciate the time and help you give to this forum. At my darkest time from this virus you and others were there to give info and hope. It will always be remembered...Thank you friend! chris

    • Posted

      Oh Chris thanks so much for those amazingly kind words, I'm so pleased you have been doing much better lately. I've been having a tough few weeks with headache and back pain, so if you could keep me in your prayers at this time that would be the most wonderful gift.

      And thanks for taking the time to encourage everyone here on the site - it's so powerful when folks come on who have been in the same dark place with this virus and know what it's like to go through the depths of but have made a recovery with God's help and are able to give hope and encouragement to others - really amazing Chris thank you friend also!


    • Posted

      Craig, You've been such a blessing. I am sorry about your back. I bought this on Amazon for $ 40 and it's saved my neck and back. Sometimes it makes my neck lymph nodes smaller. I hope this helps you... Sable Cordless Shiatsu Back Neck Massager, Deep Kneading Massage Pillow with Heat,

    • Posted

      Thanks so much for the kind words and for the advice regarding the massager pillow for my back - that is something I will definitely look into and very grateful for you taking the time to let me know! I am blessed that such kind people like you and others have taken the time to encourage and help me, especially when going through your own battles - says a lot about you as a person for sure! Wishing you good health and many blessings.


  • Posted

    Hi Clayton, i am so glad you are better. I actually tried to message you about the itching. About the same time mine starting also...extreme itching of my forearms. Mine also stopped after 2-3 months. I'm now at 17 months and getting better by the week. At 50 plus years old i suppose why it has taken me longer than most to shake this weird aggravating virus. It definitely humbled me and i can now sympathize with anyone in pain and fear. Really happy you are better and wishing you and all the best cj

    • Posted

      yes its a very weird symptom, i could not find a single person experiencing the itching... luckily its pretty much entirely gone away. glad youre feeling better as well!

  • Posted

    I'm in the same position now as you were in then. I was diagnosed with mono on 5/1 on paper. However, I started experiencing symptoms in late March. Now, the weakness and fatigue isn't as bad as it was when everything started. I just started back at work this Monday and the first day was not as bad as I expected. The night after I started work I've started experiencing what I would call night sweats although this time I feel hot. I have just completed my first week at work now. It has happened to me everyday since and even one night it even happened to me as I was wide awake (last night). I also sweat more often than I normally do doing tasks I normally did before "mono". Also, my first day back I felt better than I expected, however, the second day was a bit harder and felt rundown. The rest of the week, by the end if the day, I felt really rundown the last two to three hours of the day for the last three days. The uncertainty and doubt I have is horrible. Your post has given me a bit of hope that its nothing more than mono although in the back of mind mind it is still there.

  • Posted

    Those night sweats you described happened to me the entire week before my fever broke. I felt fine for 2 months and its been a little over two weeks of reactivation after surgery. So bummed. be grateful for those night sweats. You're in the home stretch!

  • Posted

    when I feel hot and sweatung I had thus intense itching all over the body. like small needles but not painful only really itchy. similar to fungal infection if you evee had one. also Ive got symptoms for over 3 years now. every time I do the slihhtest activity I feel like st after. either I do nothing and feel really tired, or I do something and feel really st but also my body is really irritated and cant physicslly rest. so i do more activity and feel like st more. So its either do nothing for me and be really tired, or do a little and feel like st irritated and fatigued with nerve pain and other stuff.

    • Posted

      Have you been tested for hepitites a/b/c. i think i read that one of the symptoms is itching and could be caused my mono.

    • Posted

      Hi Lob,

      It is good to see a post from you, just wondering how you have been doing lately and to let you know I've still been thinking about you. That itching sounds, nerve pain and sensitivity sounds awful Lob, I really hope this settles down, you've been through so much I just want to encourage you to hang on. I still believe there is hope and a new breakthrough in your recovery coming.

      I can only imagine how tough it's been for you to endure all this time Lob - something is going to change, the power of this thing that's been holding you back is going to be broken, in Jesus name. Thinking about you Lob and hang in there, one day at at time, you've shown amazing courage to get this far and hoping and praying for breakthrough and real improvements over the coming period - it IS going to happen.


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