Posted , 7 users are following.

I began a cream from the health food store for my perimenopause symtoms and already feeling the effects! I cleaned today like I did well over a year ago. It maybe a coincidence, but I don't think so😃 I don't understand why we cannot post the name of the product publically but feel free to inbox me. I'd like to help anyone I can. Please tell me I'm not dreaming or this is too good to be true. I hope this lasts🐤

2 likes, 16 replies

16 Replies

  • Posted

    is it progesterone cream colleen?  maybe you could send me on the name of it. glad you had relief with this smile

    • Posted

      Yes! Inbox me first so I can reply. I don't see a little envelope next to your name

    • Posted

      just noticed that I have no envelope beside my name! does anybody know why?
    • Posted

      you have to be logged in or maybe change your settings to enable private messages?
    • Posted

      thanks.  I checked it and its enabled and logged in.  will have another look at it, must be missing something??
    • Posted

      Looking at this page now, there is no envelope under my name! But there is under yours. I think we are being silly, we don't need the envelope under our own name cos we won't be messaging ourselves?? I blame meno brain!

    • Posted

      ha ha. yes!  meno brain!    so I have an envelope, when you're looking at it.  that explains it and of course the meno confusion also! cheesygrin

  • Posted

    That was my first thought....progesterone cream?  If you're in perimenopause and still having cycles, that might be just the thing you need. 


    • Posted

      I just got my period a week early and its like nothing unless I'm just spotting?

    • Posted

      Colleen, in perimenopause it is recommended that you follow your cycles and apply the cream for the final 14 days, just before you should start a period.  
  • Posted

    please would you mind sharing with me many thanks
    • Posted

      Please could you pass on the name to me as well . Thanks so much
    • Posted

      Could you share with me if you get the product name please
  • Posted

    Hi All, I want to share what I've used, but am getting bombarded with private msgs. I have to work all day and will not have the time to respond to everyone today. Ive already responded to some of you and maybe you can help pass the msg on to those who would put their name on this post, and those who I already shared it with can help me get back to them.

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