A new symptom ladies
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Hi ladies my question is have any of you suffered with heavy chest achy not pain just achy like you touch your chest and it's really sore like some grabbed you boobs and pulled them apart it's like really sore in the middle like when I rubbed it seems to help but I can tell the soreness is there along with pain in the boobs this day has been hell they are sore to touch ladies I appreciate any input on this
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janeymac1965 monique_93857
Hi Monique, I don't have that kind of chest pain but my breasts hurt just to touch them. Especially the bottom of them and don't even go near my nipples. Just brushing them up against something is painful. I'm not liking this post menopausal thing to much the last few weeks.
Hope me you get some relief soon.
nancy0925 monique_93857
I do get an occasional soreness. Not my breasts but above and on my breastbone. Like if I touch it, it feels bruised. I get different symptoms depending on where I am in my cycle. I'm 53 and my periods are just starting to wind down but i've had a myriad of symptoms for years now. If its not one thing its another
this is a crazy experience.
Take care,
Kris1012 monique_93857
I hear ya!! Everyday something else going on! !! I already have alot of health issues. Have bronchiectasis scarring of lung and TEF tracheal esphugas fistula born with that!!! So glad I'm not crazy or imagining these symptoms! !!
Thanks for listening
looloo43 monique_93857
Hi Monique, yes I get tender breast at time in the month especially since starting hrt - found my boobs feel fuller & firmer(happy days!!) Its not bad though, just noticed it each month. hormones eh!!! xx
Sochima822 monique_93857
Yes Monique, I went through it, definitely not an easy time to be suffering from such symptoms. But rest assured that just as they appear it will go away on it's own in a day or 3. Hopefully you're feeling better now sinc 3 days have past. Take care.
EMT929 monique_93857
No, not in the center, but I've had really, REALLY sensitive breasts for a long time. They DO hurt and when my husband touches them, they hurt. He's not rough or anything. They also hurt when I'm just sitting down, or walking, or showering...idk what to make of it and I can't tell for sure how long this had been going on. I had a hysterectomy 11 years ago and I can tell u that it's been at least that long. The sweats have been all my life, so it wasn't easy to tell whether it had to do with my loss of hormones or not. It was a total hysterectomy. Uterus, tubes, ovaries... Everything but my cervix. My doc decided to leave it there, since it wasn't full of cysts like everything else was. I can tell u that the sweats aren't as bad as they were in the beginning, since they've slowed somewhat. I've sweated all my life. TOO much. I wasn't even able to wear make-up most of the time cuz I'd just sweat it off. Gross! Anyway, my breasts don't hurt 24/7. Idk if it's at certain times or what. And, it does t bother me much. It's not that painful. There ARE times, tho, that it IS painful. Idk y. I've never asked a doctor and I didn't go back to my gym after he tried to blame the infection I got after surgery on my cigarette habit. Bad as it is, it's NOT why. It's because (and I learned this from many other women I've spoken with over the years) I wasn't sent home with an antibiotic when he discharged me the day after the surgery.
Well, even tho idk y the breast pain is there, I hope it, at least, helps that ur not alone.