A PR story from start to finish: I developed the condit...
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A PR story from start to finish:
I developed the condition after going through a very stressful rought patch with my partner. It started in the usual way, with the herald patch on my back close to my underarm. Then the rash appeared within 3 weeks on my chest, eventually spreading to my arms, back, stomach, and upper legs. I was covered and felt horrendous, my skin was so dry and itchy and if I showed anyone they would recoil as it looked so "angry'. Luckily, typical of the condition, none on my face and very few on my neck. As time went on the spots became larger and very dry.
Mine was a very severe but textbook case. I was extremely self-conscious and very blue. I had read on this forum that the spots can last for up to 9 months+ which scared the beejesus out of me.
I went on the sunbed twice, the second time for 6 minutes at which time I burnt my stomach and back. This seemed to have a great effect. I think I literally "nuked" the suckers off in those two areas as they cleared within a couple of days. The spots on my arms and legs took longer to disappear where the sunbed had had little effect.
I am writing this as I read on this site a lot of stories of people in the middle of having this condition without coming back to say how they got on . I wanted to back and reassure sufferers that the whole thing lasted for 8 weeks. I have no scars (which at the worst point I's thought scars were inevitable, especially with all my scratching) and my skin is back to it's soft self. Ironically it helped my relationship with my other half as he was so supportive and reassuring when I was feeling at my most self-conscious and, at times, pretty ugly.
Please don't worry - it comes and then goes just as quickly. Best wishes to all PR sufferers x
[i:dc146c3a70]This message was automatically imported from the original Patient Experience[/i:dc146c3a70]
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I got PR in 2001 & it lasted for about 6 weeks, I class myslef as quite lucky reading the length of some others. I believe mine was stress related after a nasty break up with a boyfriend. It started on my neck & then spread very quickly covering the entire top half of my body and strangly stopping at my knees! I had no cold like symptons just severe itching & pain from normal movements where the spots/rash were either raw or very dry, I lived in my joggers & a baggy t-shirt for most of the time. My neck & face were the worst areas effected, so much so that my Mother took me to hospital Christmas Day as my eyes were starting to swell, it looked so raw that I thought I looked like a burns victim. I cannot believe that I have had no scarring, it is quite a miricale. I was left with some dark patches on my arms & back but after a year they faded completely. I was diagnosed very quickly & put on steroids whilst using soothing lotions in the bath.
My best advice is to remember that as horrible as it looks and feels it is not life threatening, there is an end to it you have just got to sit it out. We are quite light hearted people in my family, so much so that my sister nick named me the lizard, but my honest feeling is that I really tried to stay positive about it & I kept laughing, staying calm can have a great effect on the body especially if you feel that your PR has been triggered by stress. Good luck & I wish you all a speedy recovery.
How is your PR now ?
I'm in my 4th week now .. less itch , the mark turn from reddish color to greyyish brown .. some part like sunburn with some mini blistter :oops:
Issit same goes to you ?
What medication u applying right now ? My skin turns very dry nowaday.
I just hope it goes away .. and I'll love my skin more from now onwards ..
Has anyone else had cases of it going and then returning repeatedly?
Did u go to see doctor ? What did the doctor said ?
What did u mean by on and off ??
I guess it may return ? because mine seem to be healing last 2 weeks , as in the rash turn from anger pink to pale brown , but suddenly it backs to pinkish color again .. and it's itchy again :cry:
Started with a flakey patch on my back (which freaked me out as it felt raised and i initially thought i had ring worm!)
I have no developed red spots (almost like insect bites) on my neck, and all over my chest and stomach area. It's really freaking me out because every time i shower i discover more.
They don't itch, but they are making me misreble, particularly the visible ones on my neck.
I wish there was a cure
May I know how many days this rash appears ?
Usually shower will temporarily make it worsen. Try to get cold shower. Hot shower will definitely make it worse.
Besides , you can use this alternative soap , Ego Pinetarsol Gel. My doctor advised me to use it.
Hope this help. I'm in my 7th week of PR. The pinkish red rash had turns to fade brown ...
I have just being diagnosed with PR which completely freaked me out - firstly I had thought I had ring worm but after visiting the doctor he told me about PR
Reading all your stories makes me feel soooo much better!
I am so itchy all the time and have been taking benedryl plus, after searching on the web site I have found a natural remedy called Retitin - has anyone else used this?
Look forward to your replies
another PR sufferer!!!