A TKR Miracle!!!
Posted , 13 users are following.
Most of you know that my recovery was completely halted at 8 months last October when I developed severe stenosis in my spine at L2/L3. Had to wait until this March to get the surgery...plus the 2-month, no-activity recovery. Including the pre-op knee pain, that's a total of EIGHTEEN MONTHS of zero exercise. All my muscles are very tight and very weak...or so I thought.
Spine doc ordered a few PT sessions just to learn the exercises to get my back strong again without injuring all the fusion work. PT (interestingly, the same one that did my knee) tested me out. Yes, very, very tight and very weak in some movements. Then he made me walk up some stairs...and that turned out OK. I was very surprised. No railing, no bouncing, just used my quads to do alternate steps like normal people.
Then he told me to do two steps at a time...AND I DID IT!!!! No weakness, no railing, no bouncing, no nuttin'. Just flew up the steps two at a time. Like the clouds parted and I was standing in a ray of light!!!
Explanation: Muscle memory. The PT said that because I had such strong legs to begin with (those decades of hockey), I was able to overcome the short-term weakness with deep, underlying muscle strength. WOOHOO!!!! A gift from above.
So...the take away... Lots of people wonder if PRE-op exercising will do them any good. I don't know about quad work for just a few weeks but if you have very strong legs from years of exercise or sports, then you may experience the luck that I just encountered. Yes, I still have a lot of work to do but this was an amazing start for me. May not be true for everyone, but it gave me hope that my concurrent knee and spine strengthening will not require me to start completely from scratch.
I wish the same for all of you. Stay strong, gang. Sometimes there's a ray of light just around the next corner for you too.
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debbie08326 CHICO_MARX
jenny80029 CHICO_MARX
lyn32416 CHICO_MARX
chris00938 CHICO_MARX
WOW and WOW again! SO delighted for you Chico! And yes, doesn't that just show how those pre-op exercises are SO worth it and the longer you have to wait for your op, the more chance to get stronger muscles - so over a few months you can really achieve something that will make a difference! That's amazing and I'm SO pleased for you!:-)))))))) Good one!
nuala16574 CHICO_MARX
Hi Chico. It's so wonderful to read your post. What a positive outcome from a very positive person. I always enjoy reading your posts but this one is very special and I'm sensing elation. Wishing you well and continued improvement . Take care. Nuala Dublin
elaine94716 CHICO_MARX
Wow thats amazing! After all your troubles, you must be elated! I'm waiting for my ray of light...
lisa11951 CHICO_MARX
marilyn10235 CHICO_MARX
That's wonderful Chico. You deserve it after all you've been put through!
Good for you. I went to a personal trainer before my surgery and I think it did help. I have to work on the quads and hips. My weakness. The it band doesn't hurt anymore after the surgery.
Those strong hockey legs served you well.
dolores84206 CHICO_MARX
Such wonderful news Chico! God bless you during your recovery. You are such an inspiration to all of us!
"I am glad that the worse is over for you..."
I hope you didn't just jinx me!!! LOL..... I do have one more knee to go but I'm putting that off for at least a year.
Gonna be a while for me. Thank God I have no pain currently so it's not imperative. My wife had brain surgery and two TIAs that damaged the nerves in her right calf giving her dropfoot plus her foot turns inward. This causes her to fall a lot. Ripped her rotator cuff in half last year...repaired...and ripped it again 75% a month ago. Surgery on June 9th which will put her arm in a sling for 3 months plus rehab. Then they have to repair the foot with a fusion and bridle tendon transposition this fall or winter. Non-weight-bearing for 3-4 months and then major rehab.
The result is that I have to be 100% to take care of her for the next year, minimum. This will not be easy so I have my work cut out for me to be in good shape for her. We're considering going "Old Testament" and having our name legally changed to "The Jobs"...what's left? Boils and leprosy?
You can't jinx me...that's already been done...a lot...
chris00938 CHICO_MARX
lisa11951 CHICO_MARX
Oh Chico i am so sorry that your wife has been through so much my husband had major surgery for a TIA and he's fine now. Ive had dropfoot and am awaiting rotator cuff surgery so can understand what she is going through but with you to look after her i'm sure she will make a great recovery.
Take care.
CHICO_MARX lisa11951
Depends on the thickness of the tear (her original was 100%; this one is 75%) for your surgery and recovery. In Sage's case, they can't do a normal repair. It would be like trying to sew tissue paper back together. They have to put in a "patch" that gets attached to good, strong tissue. Tough surgery.
For the dropfoot and foot turn, she needs some targeted fusions plus the tendon transposition to pull the foot straight again. All of this so she's less likely to fall again. It's been a rough seven years. Just trying to make it better for the future.
"You gotta go through hell before you get to heaven." - Steve Miller, Jet Airliner
lisa11951 CHICO_MARX