AA weekend away

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Hi all. I've become a recluse over the last 8 months. I used to be such a party girl but unfortunately the alcohol took over and now I'm a recluse, borderline agrophobic. So I've decided to step out my comfort zone and go on an AA weekend, only because it's very near to where I live, in Derbyshire. May change my mind in the morning but hoping I don't. At the moment I have major personal problems but this forum isn't for me to go there. So, I'm going on this weekend and will let you know how I get on. 

To everyone else, I'm sending you my love and best wishes this weekend..xx

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    Well, good luck, is this like hotels, or slumming it with camping.

    I never realised they did weekends away.

    • Posted

      In a hotel. Will tell you all about it Monday!
    • Posted

      I didn't know either. If the people are like the ones at the few AA meetings,I went to, an hour was bad enough, a weekend defo a non starter.
    • Posted

      Vicks, FWB wink, wink. You already have a hotel room, so that's logistics sorted out. It's just a race to snag the decent looking normal people before they're taken.

      Let's face it, the bar is out of bounds and the mini bar wil have been destocked, what else are you going to do in a hotel all weekend?

  • Posted

    I am (was) exactly the same. If I went out I started to panic and kept thinking that everyone was staring at me. Like you, I loved going out, ladies lunching! and was up for most things.

    i came across some old pics of 10 of us on a hen weekend in Dubai. I think that's when I realised that I was going have to do something positive and try and get some sort of a life.

    i realised friends (not friends it turned out) only ask a few times, and don't bother again cos I kept saying no. You soon find out who your real friends are when you're depressed.

    Good for you doing something positive and different. You know my views on AA so it wouldn't be for me, but hey we're all different.

    I actually went for a days retail therapy for the first time in ages with a 'real friend' went for lunch and wasn't tempted at all to have an alcoholic drink. Normally we'd have had a fair few cocktails then shopping again and I'd have bought a bottle of wine.

    if I'm honest, I don't actually like the taste of alcohol (apart from rose wine and soda) and the 'mocktails' we had were far nicer.

    have a good weekend, and be really chuffed with yourself.

  • Posted

    sorry paper, I sounded very abrupt in my reply. I think it's great that you're well enough to go. Still not heard from misssy. Sent 3 emails, don't think it looks good. Hope I'm wrong xx
    • Posted

      Trouble with me is I love the taste of wine,any wine.

      I suffer from social anxiety but manage to hide it well.Ive learnt tricks as I've got older,like if I feel like I'm blushing when someone is talking to me I have a coughing fit to hide it....sad I know

  • Posted

    Hope the weekend works out well for you paperfairy
  • Posted

    Nicola, I know exactly what you mean about social anxiety, it's crippling. Will pm you after the weekend about things that have helped me, apart from alcohol !

    Thanks to the others for your posts. Apparently the foods good!! I'm sure I will have lots to tell you about it. I'm going with an open mind anyway so ta ra for now. Have a fab hols Vickiilou xx

    • Posted

      Thanks PF,that would be great

      Enjoy your weekend away and especially the food!

    • Posted

      Has anyone tried a beta blocker like propanolol or atenolol for this? I recall people using it for fear of flying and public speaking, did it a handful of times then didn't have to use it anymore. 
    • Posted

      My doctor gave me beta blockers when I was about 20 for my anxiety but it didn't seem to help at all

      I've just been prescribed ramipril for high blood pressure so I'm hoping they might help

    • Posted

      Let us know how you get on with it, Nicole! There's got to be something to give you an edge against it, meds or otherwise. 

      I'm reading a book called "The Upward Spiral" by Alex Korb. From the cover you'd think it's about depression, but it's more about how anxiety and stress and our automatic (unconscious) responses pop up and take over. Not the same old "positive thinking" approach, for sure. You can probably find some previews on Google Books and Amazon, check it out and see what you think.

  • Posted

    best of luck!! give it a try since you are all in the same boat. Robin

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