Aargh cramp

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hello am almost to the 6 month mark and suddenly I am suffering cramp in the foot of my operated knee; gets worse in the damp weather and my goodness we can say it's damp in Swindon. I have problems with this foot since the tkr op as it still feels as though there is a tight bandage wrapped around it but I can cope with that as hopefully it will go in time but the cramp can just do one.

I have had my leg up toes above nose, down and in between and have watched my toes move with a life of their own

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Have you tried deep massaging of the calf and ankle using some good oil, not body lotion or baby oil type products. Sounds like you still haven't got blood flowing real good from the tourniquet application during surgery. As far as weather, I'm a firm believer in barometer change being a real aggravation and other than keeping body warm and comfortable I haven't found any relief. Its middle of the summer and hotter than hell here but 2 days ago we had a front thru here that drove me crazy for about 6 hrs.
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      You could be right about the circulation as it still feels as though I have elastic bands tied around some of my toes at least it's not all of them anymore !

      i'll use bio oil tonight and get a good massage oil tomorrow and some bananas and a new magnet

      how are you doing now ?

    • Posted

      Coming along pretty good. Surgery was 4 wks ago yesterday. I'm resting fairly good. There was so much stuff that needed done around the house and my wife was just about all in so I've overdone it just about everyday. I came home from the rehab unit on Saturday morn and that night came down with a horrible intestinal problem and was sick all night well into Monday. I was already weak and really took the wind out of my sails. Been working in the flowers trying to get caught up. My wife loves flowers but Parkinson's has weakened her so much just watering a few planters has her sitting back watching. We had several comfortable days for this part of the country in July. We have had an incredible amt of summer rain so everything didnt burn up like it normally e would.

      Dr. doesn't want me to start heavy duty therapy for awhile. The multiple surgeries has left a pretty nasty incision and he doesn't want excercise to tear it open and give it a chance to pick up another infection. After almost 5 months in an immobilizer and not being more than 50% weight bearing the leg is very weak and will take a lot of rebuilding but so far I'm very optimistic. I should be in full scale outpatient PT in a week or so.

  • Posted

    I read that; V-8 Juice, turmeric, yellow mustard and apple cider vinegar can be good for cramps. I get awful cramps when I have to use an inhaler medicine my doctor prescribes. I tend to drink bitter lemon which has a small amount of quinine in~although it is not suitable for everyone. i try to get one without all the horrid additives in.
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      Just a large amt of plain water helps but it needs to be consumed slowly throughout the day
  • Posted

    I found bathing in Epsom Salts really eased my cramp which was debilitating and left the whole leg feeling bruised. Now significantly reduced and happens only rarely. Worth a go!
  • Posted

    I had TKR 3 years ago. I experienced this cramp in foot but probably at an earlier stage than 6 months. Dr said it would settle down which it did.

    Hope this settles for you too.


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