Abdo pain - not sure what it is!?

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I'm 24 years old female, and have been having stomach related problems for about the last 7-8 months.

At first I started with pain on the right side of my abdomen, which I went to see my doctor for last summer, and she told me to take pain medication. It sort of helped but then the pain started up again last October and this time it was much more severe.

My symptoms lasted 2 weeks with bloatiness, slight burning feeling in my stomach and a sort of stabbing pain on the right side of my stomach. I went to the doctor and did a full blood count, ca-125 blood test, esr and crp test for inflammation and all results came back clear and everything was fine in my blood… but why was I still getting this pain?

I realised I was burping quite a lot more regularly as well and my digestion wasn’t as normal. I was put on Omeprazole 20mg for 1 week and then told to stop for 2 weeks so that the doctor could do a stool test to check for h.pylori bacteria… if that was present then it could be that I have an stomach ulcer. Once I did the stool test, the results came back clear.

I guess you can understand that by this time I was really frustrated that I’m not getting any answers as to why I’m getting these abdominal pains even though all my test results are coming back clear. What was causing this? After this the pain seemed to go away on its own by the end of October.

I had another episode similar to this in end of November and beginning of December but this only lasted about a week.

Since this has all started I’ve cut back on spicy foods or anything that is too acidic. To some extent this has helped but not so much that I can trigger what is causing this pain.

Unfortunately the pain has started again and I’ve booked an appointment to see my doctor next week. I was advised last October that maybe I could get an endoscopy if the pain doesn’t go away, but as it went away that time I didn’t think about it, not until this week when the pain started again. I’m going to ask my doctor next week if I should get an endoscopy done.

I know I shouldn’t really look up on the Internet because I’ve read all these stories of how people have bad experiences with endoscopies. But this is the first time I would be having one if the doctor advises it.

I am quite an anxious person so do not know if I should be sedated or not if I do go through with the endoscopy procedure.

Does it hurt? This is such a silly question but I have a really small throat and neck!

Feeling really scared and worried! Any advice or tips?




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7 Replies

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    HI u.

    I need to reassure you that bodies can work well; even when they are not working perfectly ; and they are capable of finding other ways to rectify some issues. So try not to worry too much.

    The abdomen is difficult to diganose.Suffering the same symptoms -having both ends checked out - same symptoms as you (and worse); nothing was found; EXCEPT mentioned in passing;  a vaginal ultrasound showed that the bladder on being emptied still had a lot of urine remaining in it (i truly believed my bladder to be empty); the nurse mentioned this during the course of the exam. GP didn't mention it. IBS was the offical diag . i carried out a liquid fast and anti-oxidant diet and the pain resolved. However ; the kidney now needs to be checked along with the bladder.

    Please do  LIQUID fast for about 24 to 48 hours; (eat things with water in them like red grapes and berries etc instead of drinking & sip limited  water where needs be; cut out ALL tea/ coffee (caffeine)) ; and see if the pain subsides... 

    AFter the two days Please ALSO after this take some Turmeric (natures anti-inflammatory) with perhaps some tomato juice (something other than Caffeine)..

    AND - eat any anti-oxidant foods ;beetroot/ red grapes/ berries / raspberries/ blueberries etc and some yoghurt/ pro-biotics.

    If your pain subsides after the day or two LIQUID fast ; then you should get your bladder/ kidneys checked..

    if you drink alcohol or a lot of caffeine you need to switch to something more natural ; like water for a time.

    I hope this can help ; it is not a definate diagnosis; but your symptoms sound pretty very similar to what i have experienced... please can you let me know if your symptoms improve, it would be helpful to me.

    Hope you get better soon.


    • Posted


      Thank you for taking the time to reply to my post! It really helps to get someone elses opinion and advice when you feel like this!

      My doctor has in the past thought that I may have IBS but I've never thought to have had it as I don't get the symptoms of constipation or diarhea.

      I did go see her today and she has said to get an endoscopy done. I'll be booking my one in for sometime after next week. I'm just going to face my fear and get it over and done with. It can't be that bad and over in 15 minutes.... I've made myself believe that it'll be ok and not that bad smile

      After all these issues in the past year I've also tried to avoid a lot of medicenes and try more natural things as well.

      I don't drink alcohol at all so my main thing is to drink a lot of water.

      I will try your advice on some of these.

      I already do the following things, perhaps they may help you aswell for your symptoms:

      - drink enough water daily

      - probiotic drink/yogurt daily

      - glass of celery juice every other day - this is really good for killing any toxins in your stomach and body and is generally very healthy

      - beetroot! i love this too! very rich in nutrients. - good in juice

      - i also take tumeric too - I either take it in water or eat it raw - i cut up a few small pieces and eat them with my dinner.

      A friend also advied me to try a spoon of honey every day, supposedly it helps with digestion. The way to do it is take a tablespoon of it and then don't eat or drink anything for about 30-45 mins.

      There's so many things to try... hopefully I will stick to all this and will give you an update once I have my endoscopy done.

      Thanks for your help!

  • Posted


    Just to put your mind at ease! Pain is horrible and the frustration that it causes is somewhat unexplainable.Do not be afraid of an endoscopy if you wish to be sedated that's fine.I also have pne coming up in May, i'm a mature women tjst has been through several op's, however stay positive thry are investigating,hopefully ypu will get some positive feedback you have yr whole life ahead of you.I wish you all the best.Thing's will improve stay positive.

    • Posted

      Probably would re-edit some of my miss spelt word's! However read yr message &felt for you.It's late had a vey hectic day.
    • Posted

      Hi Susan,

      Thank you! I am feeling less scared about it now and will go through with it.

      I went to see my doctor today and she had asvised me to get it done.

      It feelds reassuring to hear that it's not that bad. Hopefully things get more positive after finding out why I am getting this pain.

  • Posted

    please do not get concerned about an endoscopy each person is different I had one in June (which came back clear)(and up the rear passage) and can honestly say it was fine they gave me sedation but your not asleep just couldn't feel any thing going in nor coming out. I do hope you start to feel better soon. My problems have been ongoing for over 12 months now and the doctors still don't know what is causing them. Good luck
  • Posted


    thought i would update you; i went to the healthfood store today (again!). thought i woudl address this issue starting from teh basics;so went looking for liver cleansing and readup on glutathione; however i also brought some glutamine that the lady recommended;so bought some capsules. whilst there got some other stuff ; aloe vera colan cleanse juice, milk thistle, dried apriocts (for liver), dried cranberries, and a bag of macadamia nuts. i did also take some turmeric today and a pain killer (quite a few pain killers throughout the day). This evening i had settled down and taken the tablets and eaten some of the foodstuffs; my abdomen hasn't felt this good for a long while. I am unsure what exactly of the bunch has assisted the pain across my 'belly'; or the right sided stabbing pain; but it's practically nil at the moment. might be a fluke; but thought i woudl share this soonest. (i do not work for the shop or any one!!!lolol). . i had started with stabbing pain under the right rib cage over 7 years ago. Turns out glutamine (which is also in the cleanse) I read 'After surgery or traumatic injury, nitrogen is necessary to repair the wounds and keep the vital organs functioning. About one third of this nitrogen comes from glutamine'.

    Thought i would let you know soonest. and hopefully i will try and keep you updated. here's hoping. smile


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