Abdomen bloating

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I'm almost 47, had a thermal ablation done around 5 years ago. My periods never stopped but lightened. For the past two years I've skipped having a period for 3 months at a time. As of the end of Oct 2015 I have had non stop bleeding ....sometimes light other times passing hefty clots. I've also noticed my abdomen specifically the upper area looks like I'm pregnant. I've always had a stomach but much more noticeable now. Anyone else have this issue?

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6 Replies

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    Hi Laurie,

    I haven't had problems with my periods and I think you should see a doctor for that. I wonder if the mini pill could help?

    But with the stomach yes, I've always had a bit of a tum, under my waist. Like 3 months pregnant, but it is now also from under my breasts. I've found avoiding bread helps and if I have lots of it I can look 7 months pregnant.

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    I get the bloating but mine is in upper stomach and I belch a lot. I'm having an endoscopy done tomorrow. I'm also going to gyno on Monday to schedule an ablasion. I'm 53 and hope it will stip my periods because my iron has been dropping due to heavy periods. Even if it makes me have light periods that would be better then heavy ones.

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    hiya laurie,

    ive also noticed that part of my abdomen looking pregnant. it wasnt like that before peri. 

  • Posted

    Yes Hi i get this, think we all do, but some causes are not the same. so it depends what works for you

    My problem is slow dijestion, i bloat, full of gas, and constipation, causes terrible colic pains, i lie flat after eating, takes about half an hour, but it goes, try not drinking during a meal if you can, drink 30 mins before eating instead, eat little and often, protein based meals, av oiding refined sugars as it will make the bloat worse, and plenty of water in between, but dont over do the water, as, part of the bloat is water retention as well, the water retention will cause slight weight gain, but when it goes so will the weight, you can try an enzyime dijest  pill, sell them online, or, any form of drink that contains enzyme dijestive properties, gets things moving more in our gut as this is what causes the problem, stay off high gluten foods during this time as well, its a typical peri symptom, and other ladies have suggested ginger tea, definately going to try that for myself, tried the pills, they worked good for me, but it didnt last for some reason.


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      I haven't tried any but I'm wondering if pro biotics would help these digestive issues.

      I use them for a while if I've had to take antibiotics as they prevent diahorea and stop me getting thrush. But I've never taken them for this.

      I think I may give them a go.

    • Posted

      I use to take, Enzyme Dijest, from Holland and Barrett worked for me, or, a drink that contains some form  of dijestive enzymes,there use to be a drink called Bengers, i use to take that years ago, again helps with dijestion as its full of enzymes, its not available in the UK anymore, but any drink with those properties in them, you should go for, so, priobotics should help.

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