Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm 76 male - Nothing they can do
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my 76 year old dad has an abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. It is 6.7cm. We only found after the results came up at the end of October 2016. He has had lots of issues since his heart attack in 2009. triple heart bypass, stroke 2 months later, defribillator,
In the last two weeks he has just completed tests to see if he can have the endo vascular op but now today they say he is too weak for the op. He couldn't do the lung function, His AAA is so big that they would have to lose a kidney because when they tie the stent up it would stop the blood going to the kidney. It's that big.
His other kidney is the stronger one but he had a DMSA and that told the docs that the kidneys are not strong enough too. so basically because of of heart problems, stroke, weak kidneys and lungs they have said it's very touch and go.
He has 40% chance of survival if he has the op but then from the 60% chnace that he makes it there's a 95% chance of further extremely serious issues, kidney dialysys, risk f impending heart attack, stroke. to be frank they're more or less saying he won't survive the operation and even if he miraculously does he will have a lifetime of pain from other things. kidney diaysis 3-4 hours every 4 days. one visit like running a marathon
Not having the operation means that it will probably eventually rupture and if it does 8/10 sufferers don't make it. In my dad's case probaly 95% certain death. if he miraculously makes it to the operating table they woul do the same procedure above but this time an open surgery. but chances are he wont make that!
We are so very saddened its come to this . such a hard decision to make. go with the op tomorrow and may not see him again and even if we do it's likley he'll die from this or something else OR leave it as is adn wait for him to die. Like a ticking time bomb inside. It is 6.7cm already. There's nothing to bring it down. we just wait. today, tomorrow , 3months or 6 months. so so sadd!!!
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glenys09123 Raz798
Raz798 glenys09123
sonia68053 Raz798
I,m so sorry to hear of your distress and the condition of your father. I am the same age, had heart attack, bypass surgery 2years ago. Started dialysis 6 months later, doing it overnight at home every night which leaves days free. No stroke, thank God, but have bronchiectasis and asthma, pulmonary valve stenosis 2aneurisms, only at 4.3. Have old spine injuries which limit mobility. Aneurisms have grown rapidly so I have some idea of your anxiety. Being a happy, active person I hope they will take the risk of repair/surgery when I need it. I have been asked if I wish to sign a DNR (do not resuscitate) . I said "not yet". This is what is important. I could not go through open heart surgery again, but I would risk AA surgery.
When all is said and done - what does your father feel? Have you had this discussion with him? On the odd occasions I have been really ill with breathing problems, I might feel inclined to sign a DNR, but mostly I look forward to each day. I know that when the time is right I will die and have no fear of that. I will know that I have done what I was sent here to do and that it is time to move on. These are the things that need discussion - be brave and talk to your father about them. He may need your help to think them through.
wishing you love and courage.
Raz798 sonia68053
Sorry for the late reply. So sorry to hear of your situation. I hope and pray it all works out well. Very kind words.
My father understands the decision. Because of the stroke he can't communicate as well. Maybe down 40%. We know he knows the extent of the situation and he is prepared for it. He understands the risk is too high
He is ok now but yes it could rupture anytime. We have him home now he lives with my mum. We are talking wills etc now.
Thank for youR reply.
micheledesign54 Raz798
I am so so sorry to hear about your dad! I lost my brother in 2005 when he was only 44 and I lost my mom in 2007 at the age of 76.
My brother started having abdomen pains and decided to walk into a hospital. They thought he was having a heart attack so they sent him to a hospital that specializes in heart. When he arrived they went into open heart surgery for 10 hours while he was under he had two strokes. Dr. said that if he comes out of it OK he could possibly be a vegetable. At 10 days his body started breaking down and the doctors diagnosed him as being brain-dead so we had to pull him off life support the most hardest thing ever!
Three years later my mom woke up at 2 AM with back pains that traveled from her back to her front abdomen she refused to go to the hospital but wanted to see her doctor. At 9 AM her doctor said go to ER stat. When they did the x-rays on her they found out she had the same thing as my brother. The doctor said that because of her age she probably would not make it. We could try to do surgery or if you can say your goodbyes while she is coherent and have to hear you. Since we never have a chance to say goodbye to my brother we decided to wait it out and let her pass on her own. She lasted four days later and she passed away! Losing two family members to this was horrible! Both my mom and my brother had hypertension and a bit overweight. My brother never smoked a day in his life but my mom did and quit when she was 50. They were both on blood pressure medication and my brother stopped taking his meds two months prior to his passing which I found out that you should not do.
Best of luck with your dad!!
Raz798 micheledesign54
Thankyou I wish you well