Abdominal concerns - any advice or ideas?

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Hi, I have been suffering from abdominal discomfort and pain since Tuesday. It began as a tightness in my upper abdomen and occasional pains under my left and right ribs and so there doesn't seem to be a specific location. At first it didn't affect my appetite, however I  now constantly feel full and I feel worse after I've eaten. At present, I have a dull ache in the centre of my back which is there all the time but sometimes it eases a bit. I'm beginning to worry it's something serious. I have not had diarrhea and I haven't been sick. I'm 18 if that's any help. Thanks.

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17 Replies

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    Try a food diary to see if the problem is a particular food.  Wait a week to see if symptoms improve; it is also possible you may have a bug.  If you still feel unwell after this period, see your doctor.
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    Could be a sign of GERD, have you had you gullbladder ultra sounded to check for stones that may be blocking the bile duct, do you notice if the pains come after you eat something specific,

    The worst thing you can do is worrie about it being something more serious than it might be. Your stomach is like a second nervous system and will start to feel like that with stress and anxiety.Stomach cancer and esophagus cancer is rare in young people. Zantac works great for the short term till you can get into see your doctor.

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      Hi, no I haven't had an ultrasound - I'm planning on trying to get an appointment to see a doctor tomorrow and it doesn't seem to happen after eating anything specific.

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    Sounds like a typical gerd, reflux or stomach issue.

    The bloatness is a horrible feeling but i found phayzyme to really help me. It's over the counter the medicine .

    Good luck

    • Posted

      Thanks for the advice. I went to the doctor about 2 weeks ago and they thought it was acidity in the stomach and so I have been on omeprazole and I'm not sure if it's worked or not. The problem is sometimes it eases and I am now getting gnawing pains on my left side and sometimes in my lower abdomen and under my right rib and in the left and right soulder blades. I'm thinking maybe a stomach ulcer. I'm going back to the doctors on Monday. 

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      Hi how did it go at GP's.  Omeprazole needs to be taken regulary and for a couple of weeks to build in your system.  Left hand pain is also related to bowel problems, could you be constipated as this can cause that type of symptoms as well as the acid. Sounds like IBS.  I have this as well and sympathise with you as it is not nice, I started at 15 and am now 57 !!!

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      It was a bit inconclusive really. I said that the omeprazole didn't really work and the GP just examined me again and did a urine test which was fine. I had a blood test today so I'm waiting for results to come through in a couple of days. I've felt better the last couple of days but I'm still getting pains mainly in my upper left abdomen and around my side to my back.

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      I hate it when it is neither this or that.  I am going through the same and like you had bloods taken yesterday.  The only thing that keeps me sane is that left handside usually means bowel or gallbladder related. I am paranoid about it being pancreatic cancer but that is mainly on right, according to my GP.  Who knows.  will post once I have my results. Take care
    • Posted

      I have IBS too and before diagnosis, I panicked about pancreatic cancer as well as many another conditions. I was so anxious, I asked my doctor straight out if my pancreas was seen on the ultrasound. He said no.  I was still not reassured so I asked him if I could have something wrong with my pancreas.  I was told emphatically that this was highly unlikely at my age.  I am 44. My symptoms began in 2015 and my IBS is a lot better now.  So my doctor was right at least in my case.  Anxiety can play havoc with our minds and stomachs and is part of IBS.
    • Posted

      Hi Pippa, I asked the same question about my scan and was a bit panicked when he said the pancreas was hidden behind the bowel and stomach so could not be seen.  This apparently is normal but had it been seen it would have put my mind at rest.  I think the reason I am so worried is that although I have had IBS for many years, the pain was always on left handside, but now over the past couple of months it seems to be moving across to middle and right.  When you look at picture of pancreas it is right in middle where the upside down V is between ribs, if that makes sense and I am getting a lot of stinging, burning and general pain in that area, also loads more wind than usual.  When I press my fist into the space even slightly it is painful, of all the cancers it is the one that scares me the most as it so untreatable when found.  I am off to GP in morning following some blood tests so will see what comes of that.  I don't know what has happened to me in last couple of years but health anxiety has become a daily problem.  I am only 57 but the fact I am getting older is scary.  I have too much left to do before I toddle off.  Take care

    • Posted

      I was told during my scan that my bowel was in the way and prevented other organs being seen.  I was told she couldn't scan my stomach because of this.  Very frustrating!

      Shifting stomach pain is common with IBS. You may just be having a flare up. My pain was never in one place. It can start on my left and move to the middle or right.  Other times it is in my middle and moves to the right. Then it can change tack and start on my right  and shift to the middle and left again. The pattern is unpredictable and different every time.  When you have health anxiety, this will make IBS worse and it will play with your mind.   Any stressful incidents will also play a part in this.

      Sometimes IBS symptoms can change over time.  Stomach burning and lots of gas is also very common.  Don't worry; your symptoms sound very like a classic IBS episode.

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      I just got my blood test results back and everything was normal. Unfortunately today I have developed a bad headache and dry mouth. No amount of water seems to relieve it and I'm concerned I am getting dehydrated! Funnily enough the abdominal pains are not as bad.

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      Hi, Thanks for your reply, very reassuring. I have not had a really bad flare up of IBS for years so forgot what to expect.  Googling is my downfall which always leads to cancer.  I have just brought some buscopan as they usually help.   Take care
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      Glad you're more reassured.  Googling was my bugbear too in the months before diagnosis and in the end I had multiple health anxieties.  No test reassured me because they were negative and 'unremarkable'.   It was always 'maybe this, maybe that, not this, not that' kind of reply that was so unhelpful. The only thing that got rid of all my anxieties was a firm, definitive diagnosis of IBS.   Buscopan and Nurofen on top help me as well.


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    I've had a very similar experience and have been to many doctors and hospitals. Doctors have told me that esophagitis can cause back pain and that "feeling full" feeling like you are explaining. Good luck! I feel for ya!

    • Posted

      Hi thanks for the reply. Unfortunately I seem to be getting worse and have now developed a bad headache, dry mouth and coated tongue and nausea which is agrivated after I eat. I also have very cold hands and feet and they are a strange colour. I was convinced the other day that I had developed diabetes but I had a fasting blood test and my bllod sugar levels were fine. I'm convinced all of this is related to my pancreas but no doctors seem to be listening or coming up with any diagnoses!  

    • Posted

      Cold hands and feet that have a strange colour could be Raynaud's syndrome.  Ask your doctor about this syndrome.

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