abdominal Cramping
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Hello Everyone
For about 3 weeks I have been having consistent cramping in my lower part of my pelvic area. But when I have a bowel movement I get A pulling crampy feeling in my lower left pelvic area. I do get diverticulities flare ups now and then. Have gone to the doctor have been on antibiotics but the cramping is still there. I am very worried and hope it is nothing bad. I do not have blood in my stools.
Any advise would be highly appreciated as I feel so stressed out.
Thank You
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josephine90941 angie_69215
Hi Angie,
A few weeks ago I had the same thing. We had severe flooding where I live, and I had to carry large buckets of water. The day after, I felt a "pulling" or "stinging" full throb in my lower groin. I thought it might have been a hernia from carrying all those heavy buckets. It didn't let up. I kept trying to feel for a lump, but I have a little excess fat in my lower groin where I had abdominal surgery. When I pushed or massaged where the pain was, it seemed to feel better. Lying down made it feel better too. I went and saw my GP, she felt around, no lump. She gave me a urine test, and it ended up being a urinary tract infection.
angie_69215 josephine90941
Hi Josephine
I went to the doctor yesterday and I Did A urine test and it came back clear.
She ordered some test but mean time I am worried sick, I pray that it's only a diverticulities and nothing more serious.
josephine90941 angie_69215
pippa58442 angie_69215
angie_69215 pippa58442
Thank you Pippa
Yes I have been under tremendous stress and on tip if the stress I am putting on myself from worrying on what's wrong with me.
I am hoping to find out what is wrong after a colonoscopy is done.
Thank You
pippa58442 angie_69215
angie_69215 pippa58442
Thank You Pippa
I will try the medication you suggested . I am also taking Turmeric it is supposed to be really good for healing diverticulties.
I have had flare ups before but not like this. 😞
pippa58442 angie_69215
Don't worry if these treatments don't work because there are others you can try. Sometimes you have to try several to find the right one. The severity of your flare up will depend on the severity of the stress and anxiety you are going through. Tremrndous stress can cause a tremendous flare up. Added to the original stress, your anxiety about your symptoms will redouble the severity of your flare up.
My first IBS flare lasted three and a half months and was daily and constant. As my panic increased because of no diagnosis, my symptoms got worse and worse. When I got my diagnosis, my panic disappeared and my symptoms vastly improved.
angie_69215 pippa58442
I know that the stress I am adding to myself is not helping. My biggest problem as well is getting on the internet and trying to find what's wrong with me and of course everything comes back that it's cancer. I have to find something to do with my time so I am not on the internet.
I am 63 years old and just want to feel better.
Thank you for all your advice and your support, it helps a great deal.
With your IBS what we're your systems and did it include your bladder.
pippa58442 angie_69215
Dr Google definitely doesn't help. I sent my panic through the roof with googling my symptoms.
My IBS started with constipation which kept coming back, generalised stomach pain that moved about and was daily and constant, on off nausea, intense panic and anxiety about my symptoms and loose, urgent stools. I had no bladder problems although some people do get bladder symptoms along with bowel disturbance with their IBS. The trouble is all these organs are linked and close to one another so they can get irritated too.
sanya11314 angie_69215
abdominal pains can be also nerve or blood ischemia related,
mention pelvic congestion, nutcracker to your doc if made sense and could be looked at (doppler ultrasound plus maybe a CTA - not invasive, not an angiogram to start with).
Completely benign issues, but can cause a lot of pain.
If blood vessels are effected it will never go away with any antibiotics, probiotics or similar.
Cialis is usually prescribed prior considering surgical help for arterial compression syndroms if your blood pressure allowed and can worsen or help symptoms and give docs a direction as a diagnostic tool, too.
I would read up on Dr.Google about those issues as they are fully benign, not acute and can be helped, if they made sense.
All the best!
angie_69215 sanya11314
Thank you Santa for this information. I will be honest I don't understand any of it, I am going to look it up.
Waiting for approvals on two referrals so hopefully they go through quickly as not knowing what is wrong with me is giving me so much anxiety.
Sorry Sanya the auto spelling on my phone is ridiculous. 😊
sanya11314 angie_69215
Yes, just ask your physician, if it made sense to look into this kind of issues of "pelvic congestion" or "nutcracker" and the likes.
It took us over two years to get and find a good vascular sonographer to check the blood flow out.
We still have 3 months to go until appointment.
Best of luck!