Abdominal cramps ibs

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Hello, I have been having stomach cramps and severe pains for 7 weeks now and have ended up in hospital twice through the pain. Throughout the last 7 weeks things have moved quickly and I have had all the tests done for gallbladder, pancreatitis, blood tests, stool samples, endoscopy, h pylori, you name it and everything came back fine apart from mild gastritis inflammation of the stomach lining which I was given omeprazole to take, took these tablets for 3 weeks and no difference was seen in regards to the pain and the amount of pain and cramps, went back to the doctor and they said it must be ibs seen as though i have had all the tests done and nothing else can be found. I have been perscribed Mebrevinr & Buscopan and have started taking these today.

Thanks to anyone who has took time to read this, I am just wondering if there is anyone out there with similar symptoms and problems who have took these medications and what reactions improvements were seen if any ?? Any information would be really helpful..also if anyone has any questions that they think I could help with or answer I would be more than happy to do so.

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    I have IBS and I was put on Mebeverine and it made me very much worse.  It is known to cause some people problems.

    I tried Buscopan instead and it helped the pain with no side effects.  All my tests came back negative too, so after eight visits, the doctor diagnosed IBS because I had had no change in symptoms or any new problems in three months.

    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply, is buscopan the only thing you take and if so how often? Do you cut out any particular foods or food types? Desperate for some information to reduce this horrible pain.
    • Posted

      I only take Buscopan as and when I need it.  If I get a major flare up I take Nurofen as well.  I have had a long remission from IBS until last week.  I had a lot going on and then someone was rude to me and my stomach started cramping and twitching again and I had to take Buscopan on full dose for a week to settle things down.

       Luckily, food is not a problem, so I eat normally.  The only things I have always had problems with are spicy foods such as chilli, and very fatty foods such as the reddish brown, white speckled sausage.  Sometimes I have trouble with freshly cooked chips if they are cooked with lard.  My stomach doesn't always digest oil and fat very well because of acid reflux.

    • Posted

      Thanks for the information, I'm really unsure if food affects me also, I think I am going through a stage of trying to get it settled. If it was food related.. how long after food/meal/drink would I start to have symptoms/pain/flare up would it be immediately or are we talking 20 minutes, hours? Just I am starting a food journal incase of intolerances and wondering about times etc.. thanks

    • Posted

      I think everyone is different regarding food reactions.  With fatty foods, I usually react within hours.  I think the best way of working it out is to write down the time you ate a particular food and if you react to it, write down the time when the intolerance symptoms start.
    • Posted

      Thanks I will do, can it be a particular food itself or is it normally food types? Grateful for all the information on here to try hopefully will make things a lot better.
    • Posted

      Sometimes it can be one particular food or a group of foods if you have IBS. The diet that helps some people with IBS is the Low Fodmap Diet.
    • Posted

      Thanks, that looks like a very strict diet. With Ibs I thought it would be a case of eating the wrong thing and having a flare up then things returning to normal however long afterwards. Whereas I seem to have a pain all of the time constantly whether or severe or mild it is always there.
    • Posted

      Both of these things can happen with IBS.  Symptoms vary from patient to patient.  My brother would have severe pain with eating potato depending on how it was prepared.  Then his symptoms would cakm down.  Stress was also a factor.

      I have the same pain pattern to you. I started with constant pain which alternated between barely noticeable to moderate or severe.  Now I have periods where I have no pain.  I didn't recognise my IBS because I was different to my brother.

  • Posted

    Through talking to people, it seems that issues with dairy and IBS symptoms are pretty frequently related. My one friend cut out dairy completely and is like a walking stick (which is a hell of a lot better than being fat) with a crap ton of energy now. Also, IBS is completely gone. Several other people, actually all from the same family, cut out dairy and their stomach issues completely disappeared - Husband, wife, and kids are all IBS free. The girls also had a significant change in their complexion with their acne completely disappearing.

    If I had IBS and had to try something, that's the one thing I would try before putting a bunch of chemicals with their side effects into my body.

    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply, this is definitely something I will try. Thanks again

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