Abdominal disorders and muscle pain

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hi community,

Am 43 and new. Been suffering from a lot of abdominal disorders for many years. when I eat I have to do a mad dash to the toilet . I was suspected for IBS but it got ironed out after my colonoscopy . Since of late I have been developing a pain below my rib cage between my shoulders, as such even sleeping has become a huge issue. My gastroenterologist did an ultrasound and found there were few mobile stones in my gallbladder 3mm in size and about 4 of them to be precise . Eating is a nightmare for me . I often have some alcohol that helps me alleviate the pain, it's not the answer I know. I take painkillers which are temporary . I have deiscovered that even the weather plays a huge role now in my pains. When it's time for fall my body pains become worse. My muscles seem to be always tense . If I excercise the pain become unbearable . Please help if anyone has some ideas to share 

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi keitho81738

    What kind of diet are you on?? If it consists of spicey, fried, or junk food and fizzy drinks such as beer and others..try changing your diet to a bland form of diet....you digestive system is not happy about what's going into it..i am just assuming you are taking these kind of foods perhaps i'm wrong and you do eat a healthy diet??...as far as painful muscles you should ask your doc to test you for inflammation in the body...such as an ESR, CRP and ANA blood test if the levels are high then there is inflammation which also can cause digestive problems..hope this has been of some help...best wishes..

    • Posted

      Hi Lilian , thank you for your reply . I do consume a lot of spicy food and perhaps I need to change my diet . I certainly will get the tests done to see why. It is happening . My colonoscopy included some irritation in the bowel with some pus bubbles . I was given mess for three weeks and I believe it got better 
  • Posted

    What did your colonoscopy show?
    • Posted

      Did you get the gallstones removed or did they pass naturally? For gallbladder problems cut out fatty foods. I get joint pain with bad weather too.  The pain starts several days before the damp, wet weather begins.  The joints that are most affected are the ones that have been injured in the past by trips and falls.  My blood test injury caused me severe pain and is now also affected by the weather.  Hot climates keep my joints happy. 

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