Abdominal/Oesophical issues not sure if me or anxiety.
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Before I start, forgive me for rambling. Understandably, mentioning anxiety, this could go in that forum rather than this, however, I feel this is the right place for me to get feedback. I'm 22, and for about 4 years, possibly 5, I've had issues with my abdomen, an example of some of the symptoms would be, excess wind, smelling pretty bad, abdominal pain, ranging from lower right to upper. The pain isn't unbearable, merely an annoyance, and isn't every day. To add to this, I've been having problems with acid reflux, and what I think is called Dysphagia? Whenever I eat it feels as though food takes a while to go down, this has been the case for a few years as well, also not severe, until recently when I've paid a lot of attention to it, however, this has been improved with the PPI Nexium.I have booked to see a doctor next Tuesday, but as a caveat, my health anxiety has been going wild for the last few days, sleep has been hard and I've constantly been thinking the worst, so I'd appreciate if anyone could aid me before I see the doctor!
Thank you!
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rocky31676 alexander04446
Have your tried eating healthy and probiotics?
alexander04446 rocky31676
Being a student, I've flickered between eating garbage food and somewhat well, have recently started eating fruit and cutting out a lot of meat, would probiotics help too?
rocky31676 alexander04446
alexander04446 rocky31676
Thanks, I'll give it a go and see what the doc says too, much appreciated!
lilian05079 alexander04446
Hi alexander04446
You really have to change your diet completely.....try going gluten free, lactose free, wheat free, caffieine free, taking probiotics for your gut flora and multivits..veggies not too much broccoli or cabbage... fruit not citrus...and don't over do it with fruit eat 5 small pieces a day because it ferments in your gut and causes smelly gas if you eat too much same with veggies...have fish, chicken some red meat....no fizzy drink lots of water....you can get lots of 'free froms' from popular supermarkets.... overtime it worked for me....best wishes....
alexander04446 lilian05079
lilian05079 alexander04446
More than happy to help!!.....sincere best wishes for a healthier digestive system...but give it time....although you may see results in approx 2-3 weeks or maybe before...bon appetite!!....
lilian05079 alexander04446
Forgot to mention no fried foods in unhealthy oils or fats ..... but can fry or roast in coconut oil or olive oil .....then drain all excess fat and oil after cooking.....:-)
lilian05079 alexander04446
I forgot to mention no fried food only if you fry with olive oil or coconut oil then pour off all the fat and oil after cooking ...best wishes....