abdominal pain

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Hi I have been sufferiing right side abdominal pain for the past 2 years.

I have had scans and blood tests nothing shows up.  When i go to bed it hurts to lie on my right side i feel like my ribs are sore and when i turn over in bed i get a sudden cramp that takes my breath away and i freeze for a few seconds before i can turn over.I also get lower right side back pain  i'm going back again to the doctor as i cannot understand what it could be .

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hey pollyanna, I kind of have the same problem. Pain around both my ribs on both sides. I cannot sleep on my sides or I wake up in agonizing pain.

    The most common causes of right side pain where you are describing would be liver or gallbladder. Have you had your gallbladder checked? Are you a big drinker? Healthy weight? If you drink alot or are overweight, sometimes the liver can swell from fatty tissue and press up against your ribs.

    All my blood tests, ultrasound, and other tests always come back fine too. Let me know if you go to the doctor and find anything out. I am waiting to see a GI specialist myself.


    • Posted

      Hi Kalten The doctor first thought it was gallstones but the tests did not show any.I had all my abdomen scanned and was told everything was normal .My liver tests were also ok.I am over weight i am 13st 8lb and need to lose 3 stone i have been thinking it may not be helping my problems so i have decided to join a slimming club this week and change my eating habits. Also i only drink the weekend , i do drink cider maybe  2 halfs, 4 the most  but i dont drink in the week. When i had my blood tests back i was told to cut down my drink although  i dont think what i drink is a lot. I am amazed how many people seem to have the same symptoms as me and the doctors still dont seem to give a diagnosis.I feel like the doctor just says they cant find anything wrong go and live with it.   
    • Posted

      You know gastritis that produces gas causes a lot more referred pain in people realize lower back all over the abdomen and even in the chest sometimes. Not to play down what you're going through but I think many people have gas pains and I think it's something worth change your diet try the FODMAP diet and cut out carbonated drinks sugars and drink more water and see if it changes anything they should have been able to see a fatty liver or any ascites which is fluid around any organs or in any peritoneal spaces. Maybe you're right kidney needs to be looked at closer. I also am noticing a lot of people with same in very odd symptoms on this site with our GI tract I think it has to do with a lot of the foods they are making today and what they're putting in them and these GMO foods. I think they know what's going on it's our bodies not being able to change to the new diets and preservatives and modifications are making to our foods and we're probably all going to have cancer do to it but call me a conspirator but nobody wants to open their eyes till it's too late
    • Posted

      Hey pollyanna, if they told you to cut back on your drinking, I'm guessing your liver enzymes may have been slightly elevated. This can certainly be due to drinking and being a bit overweight. I would stop drinking completely for six weeks, and lose some of the weight, and see if it helps your pain. Milk thistle is amazing for healing the liver.

      The liver can accumulate fatty tissue like other parts of our body, and if it gets too swollen it can press up against the ribs and nerves in our abdomen which causes the pain. We can't actually feel the liver itself, but we can feel the surrounding areas.


  • Posted

    Hello Polyanna

    i have exactly the same symptoms and have experienced these for 2 years plus. I too have had multiple scans, abdo and pelvis MRI, ultrasound and CT as I have other health issues but Drs can not give me a diagnosis. I am due to see my consultant again this coming week so I was going to ask again what this might be. I know I have Gastritis so maybe it could all be related.


  • Posted

    I have suffered for 3 years with pain on both sides just under my ribs.  My gall bladder wasn't working so they did remove that but it didn't change the pain.  All other tests are normal.   I've tried various diets and medications and have kept volumes of records, but the doctors and I can't figure it out.  Guess I'll just have to live with it.  I do have a pharmecutical prescription that helps me sleep.   And a TENS unit to use for pain during the day.

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