Abdominal pain and acting strange

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A month and a week ago (March 3rd) I took alka seltzer but I took it without water by mistake. I started with a burning stomach and pain when passing food. I went to the ER that weekend and the doctor gave me Pepcid because he thought I had Gastritis. It helped a bit but my abdominal pain,bloating,heartburn, food feeling stuck at night, and belching continued. Two days I went back because when I went to bed I had trouble breathing the doctor gave me gastrointestinal cocktail and my abdomen felt cured but it was only temporary. She also told me to take tums. My gp called me and I went three weeks ago. I did the blood,stool and urine test. She referred me to a radiologist. The next day I went back to the doctor and she said the x Ray showed I had lots of stool and prescribed Miralax and ranitidine because she thought the abdominal pain was caused by acid. I took Miralax for two weeks and it stopped the bloating I had a follow up on April 7th. Before the follow up I went on that Monday because I had blood in my stool the emergency Doctor of the clinic said it was an anal fissure and increased the miralax to three caps.On the 7th the doctor said I still had the abdominal pain because I hadn't took the ranitidine which was true. The reason I didn't take it was because I didn't think acid was causing the pain because I felt better when I burped.Today I went back because my lower back,ribs and abdomen feel sore when sitting down for too long. I also get this mild pain a few minutes after pooping. The doctor said my stool was the shape of my colon because the poop had stretched it and it takes a year to recover. She told me to increase my miralax to ten caps I told her that was overdosing and what were the side effects. She said I would get diarrhea but it would be good because it would flush all the poop out. She also said to take cap of Miralax for a year but the bottle says it shouldn't be used for more than 7 days and it's used in antifreeze.She also prescribed dulcolax my other option is an enema at the ER but she prefers the first one for privacy. Besides someone like me is skeptical and I don't really trust doctors that much so I read on a few websites that overdosing on miralax can cause coma or even death. I'm only 15 btw.

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hiya hon

    Omg I think this is a lot of medication that I feel personally is too much x I have recently had surgery and I was allowed home on day 3 but I was back in 2 days later as I was bleeding from behind heavily they found a blockage and the gave me suppositories and movicol plus dulcolax which helped me a lot this was two weeks ago and I am still taking the movicol to help keep soft as I had major abdominal surgery x please get a second opinion in what they are advising xxx keep me posted

    Nicola xxx

  • Posted

    Wow that doesn't seem like it's good maybe you can see a gastro specialist?
    • Posted

      Maybe have them do an ultra sound and HIDA scan maybe some blood work?? Is the pain all over or just on your right side? I'm dealing with a lot of that now and getting my gallbladder out on Monday after months of similar pain. They did the ultra scan and HIDA test to see if I had gallstones which I do. So maybe this could be an issue with you? Maybe you have gallstones stuck in your colon. I would definitely get a second opinion

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