Abdominal pain and nausea for 6 months
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Hey all, just wanting some advice or maybe someone to relate to, basically my symptoms started a few days before Christmas I can remember the last thing I ate which was a kfc before all my symptoms started. I was pretty sure I had food poisoning from this as a few hours later I was throwing up going to the loo bad pains ect. After about 3 weeks I had a burning pain and had nausea . I went to the docs and had a pregnancy test and some routine bloods done and sent a stool sample long story short everything seemed to be fine and was put on lansoprazole which didn't help. 6 months later I'm on fluxetine due to my mood dipping dramatically and anxiety due to the pain I don't find myself wanting to do much. I find most days hard to get through surely ibs cannot do this plus I get no relief when going to the toilet which is regularly and genarally normal. Iv stopped eating gluten and fatty/spicy foods. I'm 25 female and slightly over weight but have lost over a stone since this started. Thanks guys
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emma72706 jordanbray
I have similar issues to you, im a 24 year old female and I was diagnosed as having clostridium difficile in sept then relapsed again in Jan 16. The Dr's are saying I have post infectious ibs but I'm the same as you, I think to myself that surely ibs isn't this bad, I can barely do anything with my symptoms. I'm undergoing investigations with gastro to find out if there is anything else to discover.
I'll tell you what medications I get however I of course don't know the criteria for a prescription so just ask your Dr.
I have a neurological disorder and long story short I have nerve damage, due to the pain I was sick a lot and my Dr prescribed me with cyclazine (don't know how to spell it). However my neuro problems are better now so I don't actually need the medication for this. Since I have cdiff though, I had up to 15 bouts of diarrhoea a day, sickness, tummy pains, cold sweats (especially at night) and sometimes I'd experience elevated heart rate and hot flushes. It completely took over my life, they said that the bacteria in my gut wasnt balanced due to the infection so my digestive system was working extra hard and caused ibs symptoms.
I then started taking the cyclazine for these symptoms, I don't need it daily, but when I feel sick to the point of throwing up I take one and within 10-15 minutes I feel better. I found that eating in the morning before I took any of my tablets tends to keep nausea at bay, so maybe some of your tablets make you feel sick on an empty stomach? I'd try it out and see how you get on, have toast or something then half an hour later take your medication.
You didn't mention if you had diarrhoea, but due to the frequency of your toilet visits it would suggest you have? I tried everything to stop it, nothing worked for me (although some people have had success with probiotics etc) finally my Dr prescribed me with codeine phosphate, you can take up to 3 a day but I only take two to avoid being over constipated. It changed my life, it pretty much stopped the diarrhoea. Plus with it being a pain killer too it helped with the stomach pains.
I do yoga every other day, I started this during all this bother and it's hard to stay focused when your attention is on your stomach pains and toilet trips, but eventually you learn how to switch off and take your mind off it. (This does take a while so you need to stick to it and persevere).
I go for a hot bath every night and I use lavender bubble bath, if you are like me, my stomach kept me up at night and I'd have various trips to the toilet, the warmth helps with any stomach pains and the lavender helps you feel rested for bed. (I will point out that I never actually got into a proper sleeping routine until I was put on codeine phosphate, as this relieved me of the more aggresive symptoms to then let my body actually settle at night).
Naturally your anxiety levels are going to be through the roof, trust me, I know it all too well! But speak to your Dr about these options as they honestly really did help me. Especially codeine phosphate, I don't know what I would have done without it. Now I can actually think about returning to uni since I had to drop out, purely bc of being in hospital too often, but if it wasn't for this, I'd probably have not managed to go back.
Let me know how you get on will you? I'd like to hope our next convo has some good news.
jordanbray emma72706
emma72706 jordanbray
philippa61759 jordanbray
I got IBS after a succession of stressful episodes and developed chronic stomach pain with constipation, loose stools and on off nausea.
jordanbray philippa61759
Yes after many trips to the docs and lots of blood tests she was pretty baffled and has just put it down to ibs. Sometimes I go to the toilet fine for days but it doesn't seem matter I'm still left with chronic pain/nausea. Has anything helped you with your pain? Thank you for replying
philippa61759 jordanbray