Abdominal pain at circa 4am each time.

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Hi, I recently experienced a recurrence of stomach pain that typically occurs at around 4am in the morning. The onset would occur when I turn over in bed. It builds into a severe acid like pain at the top of my stomach. At it’s peak I will find myself doubled up in significant pain,  I will become hot and clammy, feeling on the verge of passing out/fainting. The pain will continue for about 30 mins and begin to subside and I may be left with a aggravated stomach ache for a day after.  It appears randomly and fortunately not every night. I could got days/weeks without another episode. 

This started back in 2015. I went through a series of camera test and was diagnosed with Hiatus Hernia and Diverticulosis. I had h.Pylori and coeliac tests, both being negative. An ultrasound of my major organs, which apparently showed kidney stones, although a further MRI for Kidney stones was negative. 

I thought I had found a trigger food and hadn’t experienced an episode for over 18 months. During that 18 months I have changed my diet a lot and only eat plant based foods, don’t smoke or drink a great deal and eat generally healthily. I was disappointed to get another episode. 

I revisited a GP who, given my history, decided to setup an urgent referral to a Gastroenterologist, which I am waiting to hear from.

‘Has anyone had any similar experiences?



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15 Replies

  • Posted

    Have you had a HIDA scan to check your gallbladder and have your bowel,movements changed?  Does the pain move about?
    • Posted

      Hi, I don’t believe I had a HIDA scan or any mention of gallbladder during the initial investigations. Bowel movements aren’t really different and pain is very constant, it doesn’t move about. 
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    It sounds like it’s the diverticulitis that’s giving you the issues, you need to be really careful with that disease, it’s imperative you don’t get constipated.  It’s great that your eating a plant based diet, your doing the right thing there. My partner had diverticulitis, he got constipated and one of the nodules in his bowel burst and he ended up with a perforated bowel, I won’t tell you rest after that as it sounds more like a horror story, he ended up in hospital for 8 weeks, between HDU & ICU. It’s a nasty disease, it’s a shame that you have it, hope you can get some relief, it can cause a fever in some people, maybe that’s why you feel clammy, or like passing out. I would ask to be referred for a colonoscopy just to make sure that any nodules are not inflamed or ready to burst. 

    • Posted

      Thanks. I’m not convinced it’s diverticulitis.  The significant pain is sudden, lasts for about 30 mins and eases into a light stomach ache or an aggravated one that you can feel all day. Same with the clamminess, this only lasts as long as the pain. I’ve never checked my temperature during an episode, I can barely function. 

      During all the tests in 2015/2016 they found diverticulosis but not diverticulitis. I assume the latter would present different symptoms, although I could be totally wrong. 

      It’s odd that each episode happens at circa 4am or thereabouts. I use an analogy of a glow stick that you snap to activate. When I turn over it’s like two chemicals have reacted and then there’s a sudden onset of pain. 

  • Posted

    Hello, you need to work on the diet and add a stomach massage. Your body is not working properly. start the morning with a glass of hot water drunk in small sips, then do a stomach massage, lightly. then breakfast. the organs will begin to receive the correct blood flow and you will be able torecuperate.

    • Posted

      Thanks. I’m not sure what more I can do with my diet other than a FODMAP diet, which I would only consider based on advice from a Gastroenterologist/ Dietitian. I will look into stomach massages though. Thanks. 
  • Posted

    Ask your gastro doctor if your problems could be related to diverticulosis or hiatus hernia. Hiatus hernias can cause acid reflux.  Has gastritis been mentioned? If it hasn’t, ask your gastro doctor about this too.
  • Posted

    Hi, did you ever sort this out ?, I have a similar issue (at least partial). No real gastro issues identified to this pont , but abdominal pain at 4am... later goes away, some back pain here and there during day. lots of tests...no leads

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      When all tests are negative, doctors diagnose IBS? Has IBS been mentioned?

  • Posted

    i have also just started having pain in lower abdomen at 4 am the last week and a half. It wakes me up because its painful. i have never had this symptom before so its odd for me. i also thought it was super odd that it happens at 4 am every time.

    • Posted

      hi did you ever get to the bottom of this?

      I too wake up at 4am each night with severe pain just below my belly button

      i have to turn on my left side and take strong pain killers after 30-40m thr pains isnt as bad

      i was diagnosed with a stomach ulcer last year but this is new

      its ruining my life

  • Posted

    All the best with the Gastroenterologist, i am sure they will fix the issue. Drinking lots of water should help you.

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