Abdominal pain, diarrhoea, night sweats

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I’ve had abdominal pain for about 3 months, it comes and goes but always tends to be in the evening and at night. This last week I had 2 days of severe waves of pain in the upper area, I was doubled over from it, 3 days of diarrhoea followed. The waves of pain are now gone and the diarrhoea has stopped but I still have the same pain in my upper tummy and loose loo trips. I can’t sleep, even though I’m exhausted, because I wake up drenched and uncomfortable from the pain. 

I had full blood work done which came back normal apart from a very slight raise in C Reactive protein which the dr said he wasn’t worried about. I had an ultrasound scan yesterday and the technician said he ‘didn’t see anything abnormal’ although he didn’t speak very clear English so I’m not 100% sure. 

Obviously I’m really scared of the worst as this pain has gone on for months, no medicine has helped and the drs don’t know. They suggested IBS but I had that 10 years ago so know what to avoid and how to manage it, plus I’m not bloated or gassy etc.

Does anyone have and ideas or recommendations?

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4 Replies

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    Ps I’m 34 and have a 3 and 9 month old.
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    I recommend a colonoscopy. My brother had those same symptoms and it turned out to be IBD. But IBD can mimic other conditions less serious like diverticulitis and c. diff. A colonoscopy would be the best way to see what's going on. 

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    Sounds like an IBS flare up.  Symptoms can change over time and return even after a long period of remission.  When your ultrasound technician said that he didn’t see anything abnormal, that sounds like very clear English to me and means that that nothing abnormal was found.  This is good news for you.  Believe and trust what you were told.  I have IBS and I don’t experience bloating although I can have a gassy bowel.

    You don’t have to experience bloating or gas to have IBS.  Everyone experiences it differently.  Try a food diary to see if you have become sensitive to any other foods   Have you had any stress recently?  That can trigger it too.  Try Imodium to control diarrhoea and try Buscopan for the pain.  If these don’t help ask your doctor foe a different medication.  Sometimes your body can become used to a particular medication over time and so it will no longer be as effective or may not work at all. IBS does not show on scans so if everything is coming back normal, that would suggest an IBS flare up.

  • Posted

    Hi Charlotte,

    Just wondered if they sent off a stool sample? Could it all be down to some sort of infection? 

    You mentioned night sweats, did you have a high temperature? I know someone can have a night sweat and their temperature can remain normal but it’s worth checking. 

    It’s very frustrating when things aren’t right but all tests come back normal...... I know from experience, however, as suggested by your other replies, keep a note of both your symptoms and what you’ve been eating. Also, you obviously have a lot of lifting to do with your two little ones so could you have a muscle strain? I hope all your symptoms improve and it all turns out fine for you, but keep going back to your GP until you feel satisfied that everything has been checked thoroughly. 

    Good luck 

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