Abdominal pain+Extreme Fatigue, What could it be? Doctor doesn't seems to find

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Since a while i got stomach, abdominal pain and nausea. I also got problem low energy problem im always tired and have no energy. I've passed many blood test, and some other test but my doctor say its not a cancer even if i saw sometimes my white blood cells we're low in some of these tests.

I don't know what to look and what to do. I was waiting for a gastroscopy but i don't think i will get recalled soon since covid-19...

Anyone in same boat as me?


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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Sheppard

    Did you get your vitamins and minerals checked in your blood tests? low levels of vit B12 and Vit D plus magnesium can cause fatigue, lethargy and low energy. Low Vit D can cause stomach problems. These tests have to be specifically ordered by your doctor otherwise you will just have routine blood tests. You can ask to see your blood results under the 'Freedom Of Information Act' if your in UK ask your doctor for a print out and see if your vits and minerals were tested, in particular B12 and Vit D. Do you take multi vits and minerals? If your Vit 12 is low you will need to know because if very low you can get pernicious aneamia which can be dangerous.. You don't mention your age as Vit B12 gets lower as we age. Our vitamins and minerals are important for our wellbeing and energy particularly Vit D and B12 some medications prevent absorption of B12..hope this will be of some help....and yes i was in same boat as you some time ago until it was found my B12 was low also Vit D and magnesium. I have been on B12 injections because i take metformin which blocks absorption of B12 . My Vit D was low plus magnesium and i am now much better energywise and overall...

    • Posted

      Im a guy 22 years old. All i know is those are low(blood cell) but the doctor never told me/was never alarmed by that. I can try to go on the site and look for the B12. We have an access to the site of the RamQ. But if i remember i think my B12 was alright. By White blood cells we're at 3,77 109/L on feb 25.

      Last time i see Vitamin D is December 13 2019 and its Vitamin D 25(OH) 65,1.

      I will try to look at maybe Vit B12 maybe it could help.

    • Posted

      Hi Sheppard

      Yes check your B12 for your age your B12 should be between 200-300 mark. As we get older over 55years it should be between 500- 900 .As we get older we cannot absorb B12 as a protein called intrinsic factor in our gut that helps B12 absorb through the ileum declines. Your Vit D seems ok normal levels are around 60...

    • Posted

      Im supposed to get a call from my doctor in two days. I will talk with her about this because these days i have low to no energy. So low that i am always sleepy. I fear cancer because of the pain and low energy but doctor says its ain't that. I hope she's right but i start to fear everything even more with that coronavirus these days.

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      Mary, what form and amount of D and magnesium are you taking? thanks in advance.

  • Posted

    Maybe also check your thyroid numbers as well. If they are off it can ,make you very tired. Do you have any other symptoms?

    was wondering how low the white blood cell count is, how far off is it from normal?

    thx, hope u feel better !

    • Posted

      Main symptom are: Tired, stomach pain, nausea, heartburn.

      My doc said she tested the thyroid.

      Wbc seems to be at: 3,77 10*9/L

      I try to get in better shape but its hard 😕

  • Posted

    My doctor said she will try to contact a pharmacist to call me back and try something but haven't got a call yet. I don't know what is happening with me but trying to find out. Hoping not dying from that crap.

  • Posted

    So the pharmacist called back and told me to try something called "Align". I hope it does help because im tired of being tired everydays and have pain. Anyone have experience with that product?

  • Posted

    Could be vitamin deficiencies. I have Vit D deficiency and it caused fatigue and easy bruising. Could be your thyroid. Mine took a while to show on labs but my doctor was persistant and after a few months of routine labs it showed what the doctor suspected all along. Hypothyroidism. Could be your gallbladder. I recently had mine removed for similar reasons. the nausea got so bad towards the end that i could barely eat anything. It also caused sharp abdominal pains sometimes but not often. Could also be a hormonal imbalance. Yes, men can have this problem too. Good luck!

    • Posted

      Thyroid was tested, hormones too. I asked my doctor about gallblader(that's where the bill is stored right?) and she said its not that. Im a littlebit lost but i admit i didn't really go outside in the last month so maybe my Vit D is deficient. Still doesn't explain the abdominal pain...

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