Abdominal pain for a month and half. Help please

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Hello all

My story starts of a roughly a month and a half ago when I visitied my GP complaining about abdominal pain. Urine infection positive.  Prescribed Nitrofurantoin and Peptac Aniseed. Didnt work so went back and blood test undertaken showing H Pylori virus. Prescribed triple therapy which consisted of Omeprazole, Ammoxicillin & Clarithromycin. With these I was also given Maalox Solution. Nothing still working and had constipation and diahorrea (alternating between). 

Got fed up and went to local A&E. Admitted and had Laproscopy Appendicitis on the 27/05/16 discharged on 29/05/16. Medication supplied was Senna, Paracetamol, dioctyl sodium (laxatives) & Movicol. Took them with no luck & noticed blood twice in stool. Went back to the hospital and admitted again on the 1st of June 2016. Had X - ray, ultrasound and blood tests which looked normal. Discharged on 3rd of June. Medication still all the same. Constipationstill there and when I open my bowels it is all liquid. When urinating the is a lot of pain in lower abdomen. I have had a catheter installed twice to drain excess urine due to retention. What should I do now?

I was told I may be suffering from gallstones, inflammation to the large bowel or then slow gut to the surgery (even 9 days after surgery).

Help please

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Has your doctor mentioned IBS?  Your symptoms sound very like it.  Alternating diarrhoea and constipation, and stomach pain are IBS symptoms.  However, you should also get tested for h pylori again because sometimes it takes a while to clear up.
    • Posted

      Hi yes they did mention IBS, but nothing afterwards. I most likely think it's inflammation to the large bowel and that needs removing. What do you think?
    • Posted

      Ask for a colonoscopy.  Also get a stool sample tested for fecal calprotectin which looks for inflammation that may indicate IBD such as Crohns or Colitis.
  • Posted

    Hi, have a colonoscopy that will at least have a look at the large intestine

  • Posted

    I agree you need colonoscopy, this is quite thorough and maybe you will get some answers, good luck.

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