Abdominal pain on right side

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First time trying this just because I wanted other people's opinions. So I've been having abdominal pain for a month now that I would say is under my ribs on right side that moves sometimes down. I also experience stomach pains on top and bottom of belly button as well as pain on my left side under my ribs. The first week it would last all day and it's been calming down these past weeks. I've gone to the ER 3 times with blood and cat scans as well as ultrasound and x-rays and everything has came out good. The doctors told me that I was constipated and had a lot of waste on my right side and they gave me laxatives to help. The thing is that at first I was constipated and now I'm back to using the restroom everyday with no problem and the pain is still there.i also forgot to mention that the first week I was having very little amount of food because I would get bloated and would be unable to let gas out. I'm just curious if anyone has had this problem or something similar that they could shine light on to what's going on

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19 Replies

  • Posted

    i think it sounds like gastritis or an ulcer, u should go to the gastro dr and have an endocspoy done. i had the same problems as u and thrns out i have gastritis. the endoscopy was anneasy procedure they put me to sleep and i dont even remember it! and u get cool pics of ur stomach afterwards. by any chance do u feel really tored and or dizzy? just wondering bc i felt super tired and nausous prkor to my diagnosis as well, like i couldt even get up for a trip to the grocery store at one point
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    also in the meantime stay away from acidic foods and things like garlic tomatoes and most dairy and stuff. eat good fruits and veggies chicken and pastas, u can google gastritis diet or ulcer dietZ it could also possibly be gluten sensitivity or celiecs. they can test for that via endoscopy as well. hang in there i hope u feel better soon!
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      I have been tired lately and I do feel weird sometimes kinda like dizzy and I also get some weird feeling in my throat kinda like a minty feeling every now and then. Another thing is wouldn't a ulcer show up in a cat scan? And I plan on seeing one soon just waiting to see what my doctor decides to do on my next appointment. Thanks btw, sucks not knowing what I have and I feel what I have is affecting me more and more each day

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      it really does sound like gastritis at this point. im not a doctor but the mint feeling can be from acid reflux gastritis is that your stomach lining is producing too much acid its inflamed and they will most likely give u a ppi which blocks ur stomach acid. i did not do well on these drugs so i chose a more natural route which worked better for me. ulcer would not necessarily show up on the cat scan and gastritis certainly wont. the endoscopy is ur best bet. i completely understand, mine has been going on for months now and i hope it ends soon. its either the bacteria h pylori stress drinking too much or using too much ibuprofen are the general causes of this. i hope u find the cause soon im so sorry ur going thru this. make sure to eat every few hours just a little bit to be sure the acid doesnt get to be too much even if u feel full(i am always full lately) keep me posted
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      My doctor prescribed me omeprazole to help with acid but my pains are the same off and on and I'm going to bring that up about seeing a specialist, I have an appointment this Tuesday. Well I do get stressed out a lot with work because it gets very hectic so it could be that and another thing I forgot was that when I was in the ER they found my lymph nodes swollen by my groin but they said it was caused by infection. And yeah that's how I've been feeling lately after a meal

  • Posted

    I have pain but is on my left side in the middle towards the left under the ribcage for over a year and nothing. I had a endoscopy and I found out that I have a small sliding hiatal hernia and and a small inflammation in the small intestine and the duodenum that was last May and I had no symptoms only the abdominal pain I have been going to the ER and they said is stress but I don't believed it. I AMA little scare but I haven't been going to the bathroom in days so maybe is IBS. And also have pain in the left side of chest and they gave me ekg, and all normal

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      I get my pains on different areas of my stomach that come and go and sometimes more severe than others. When it started I was going to the bathroom less and now in the past week everything seems fine with that but pain is still there
  • Posted

    Thanks to discuss with us. Same problem I had last year when I was driving my car. Suddenly pain into my stomach but I used online clinic.......
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      Yeah mine occurred out of nowhere but I noticed small pains the days before that would last around a minute. Did they ever find anything with you?
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    I take nexuim 40 mg. My chest feels weird in the middle endoscopy Will show and they can go from there. Also could be IBS
  • Posted

    Was IBS mentioned since all your tests were negative?  Have you tried a food diary?  My IBS gives me pain that moves all over my stomach and sometimes nausea and back pain.  I have had constipation, loose stools and then back to constipation or normal.  The pain started as constant but now comes and goes.  

    Everyone has different symptoms and varying responses to medication.  Bloating and trouble with gas is common with IBS.  Have you had any stress recently because that is also a trigger?  Anxiety makes symptoms worse.

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      I'm sorry I'm curious how do you got diagnosed. All my test were negative. My doctor sugest do a exploratory on my belly I said no without a MRI or ultrasound. My pain is dull and mild but I get nauseated for a week now

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      I had stool tests for h pylori and fecal calprotectin, a celiac and urine test and an ultrasound which were all negative so I was diagnosed with IBS.  I was told that since I had not developed any new symptoms in three months, I didn't need further tests. If tests rule out other causes, IBS is diagnosed.  I have had four types of pain: dull, deep grinding, stabbing and sore to touch. Most of the time the pain is mild to moderate and is very occasionally severe.

    • Posted

      That's is similar of what I have . I have been on and off in pain for about a year. Is on my left side of my belly button dull mild and when I touch is tender and this past week nauseated . I get soft stools to normal and now I haven't been in the bathroom in a few days now . It is annoying .

    • Posted

      See your doctor again and ask about IBS.  You may have to go back to your doctor several times and even see different doctors.  I went to my surgery on eight occasions for three and a half months.  Only one recognised my symptoms as IBS.  I was very stressed, worn out, anxious and depressed with waiting for tests, getting them done and waiting for results and getting no answers. I ended up with severe health anxiety. The final doctor I saw was the first to ask about any recent stressful events I might have had. I had had a barrage of stress in 2014 and developed my IBS at the beginning of 2015 but I hadn't seen the link.   It was the anxiety/stress factor that got me diagnosed.

      Diagnosis can be a long process for many people but for some it can be very quick if your doctor is good.  However, in my case, finding out ehat was wrong, got rid of my anxiety and improved my IBS.

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      Yea I suffer from ansiety also and my husband is in the military and he leaves a lot. I'm seing a doctor on Monday and I will talk about IBS. Im glad I'm not alone I love this blog . It helps,

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      Your husband being in the military will be stressful and may be a factor in your symptoms. Stress can affect the stomach a lot.  Best of luck.
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      No they just said I was constipated with a lot of waste stuck on my right side but ive never suffered from going to the restroom like its easy for me and im not sure but I think it might be related to me eating a lot of pizza the day before. That sounds exactly what I'm going through without the nausea part and yes I would say I deal with stress on a daily basis and I have anxiety as well and I notice it's worse when it kicks in

    • Posted

      Maybe try avoiding pizza and see if your symptoms go away. Eat more fresh fruit and vegetables for constipation.  Oranges, grapes and prune juice help a lot

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