Abdominal pain right upper quadrant, scaring myself with research!

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I've been poking around this site for quite some time and decided to go ahead and create my own post.

I've had a hiatal hernia for quite a while, but due to abdominal pain I've been having for quite some time, I had an endoscopy in January. That reconfirmed my HH, and also diagnosed gastritis and esophogitis. Some benign polyps were also removed from my stomach (likely related to being on Omeprezole for so long).

My abdominal pain though, has continued to radiate from my solar plexus area into the right side of my abdomen under my right ribs. I have an ultrasound of that area scheduled for tomorrow, but I'm not sure it will show anything.

I didn't tie together other symptoms until literally today... but I've noticed lately that I am much more belchy than I usually am... my stools sometimes have mucus in them. And sometimes when I feel urge to go, it is pain as I can feel the stool descending lower sad  I've also lost a considerable amount of weight without trying over the last 6 months (about 10lbs, I'm down to 115, haven't been that low since high school).

I had a colonoscopy about 6yrs ago where they removed some benign polyps. Clearly I should have one again, and will be scheduling it ASAP. I just have myself convinced that I have colon cancer.

I will say that I have VERY bad anxiety, and in the past when my anxiety gets really bad I experience extreme weightloss and bouts of diarrhea. So it's hard to tell if similar symptoms are related to the stress/anxiety I've had lately, or something more.

Has anyone experience similar symptoms that did NOT turn out to be a death sentence?? I have been obsessing over this for days and REALLY just want to enjoy the weekend with my husband and young girls!!!!

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9 Replies

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    Oh and in case it helps, I am 37 years old.
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      Hi, stop worrying, it is far less likely to be cancer than something else statistically. You haven't mentioned passing blood, see your GP straight away if you do.

      Good luck with the colonoscopy.


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    Doesnt sound at all like typical cancer..but get the Colonoscopy with biopsy ASAP anyway. Unfot. the Diagnosis you got on the Endoscopy doesnt seem to tell the whole story. Did they do any bipsies during the endoscopy. IMO it sounds like Ulcerative colitis...that SPECIFICALL ycauses a LOSS of weight due to abdominal bleed. pain and diarhea. Ther are medications and treatments ofr UC..but I suggest you get a definitive diagnosis--do the colonoscopy..rule out cancer..and ASK about Ulcerative Colitis/ and / or Chrons..Good luck.
    • Posted

      Thank you so much for the reassurance! Yes they did biopsies of my esophagus and stomach, all were benign. 
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     First off..you can have colon cancer and easily have negatie findings in an ENDOSCOPY. I would still suggest getting the colonoscopy. However, given yoyur age, and the symptoms, I still feel you ar much more likely to be suffering with a bout of ulcerative colitis..which is quite serious in its own..but cetainly not a 'cancer". So cointue with your diagnostic imaging and discuss ..the possibility of having "UC or Chrons with your GI and tell that doctor you want medication for it..because IBS is not a strong enough diagnosis to equal rapid weight loss/pain on RIGHT Side (more often IBS is lower left) and chronic dirhea. I cant suggest a medication till you finish the colonoscopy to rule out any other issue. Your doctor MIGHT try you on an anti-biotic for UC ASAP---there are several good ones. RIDAXOFIN , to start (expensive and rarely covered)..but ASK. Unfort. UC is hard to manage without MEDICATION.
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    I should also include that I am still nursing my 21-month old very regularly, and that combined with low fat intake...could that contribute to weight loss as well?
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    Another fact I forgot to mention - I had my gallbladder removed about 20 yrs ago, and the pain is right around where that used to be. Not sure if it could be bile duct related?
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    Absolutely NOT. Once the gallbladder is removed that is it. It would not be a bile duct. There are actual stones that can form in bile ducts but your symptoms do NOT equate. 
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    hi Julie

    did you manage to get to the bottom of this. i get all the same symptoms and had numerous tests but found nothing other a Hiatal hernia.

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