Abdominal pain-unexplained

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I was first diagnosed with an ulcer and just finished a 90 day dose of Omeprazole.  Also, diagnosed with hemorrhoids and has my first ablation and scheduled for second one in early December.   I was also diagnosed with Barrett’s Esphogas and an hemangioma in my liver.  Said my gall bladder was fine.  Colonoscopy was okay.  Scheduled for second endoscopy next week.  Also, diagnosed with SIBO and finished antibody treatment for it over a week ago.   I still have abdominal pain, passing large amounts of mucus, and diarrhea.  No doctor I have seen seems concerned about the mucus.  I have not worked since July.  Up until July I worked as a laborer full of energy and felt good.  Does anyone have any experience or advice?  I am doctoring with the Cleveland Clinic and still feel sick.  Any help would be appreciated.

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    I had mucus for a while in my bowel movements it can be bacteria in your gut like h pylori or the other one cant think of the name but it got better when i started drinking chia seeds. 3 grams a day. I also take proboitics and milk thistle and tumeric
  • Posted

    Unexplaned abdominal pain could be IBS which causes mucus and diarrhoea.  Does your pain move about? Does anxiety or food set it off?   Perhaps ask for a SECHAT scan to check forcBile acid malabsorption which also causes diarrhoea.
    • Posted

      The pain does move around.  I have been stressed trying to find out what is causing the pain.  Trying the FODMAP diet to see if that helps any.  Thank you for your reply.
    • Posted

      I found dealing with my IBS much easier than waiting for my diagnosis. 

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