abdominal pain worse with movement

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Hi all.

Ive posted several times but one thing that sticks in my mind is I have constant upper central abdominal discomfort (not pain) when moving, walking standing etc. Lifting carrying going upstairs causes me with problems. This can be quite restricting in what I can and cannot do.

When lying down or resting I feel ok.

Does anyone else have any idea what is causing this. ?

This as been ongoing for 4 weeks. Dr did bloods stool urine test and all are clear.


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9 Replies

  • Posted

    If your pain moves about. changes in intensity, is aggravated by certain foods/ drinks or stress and is followed by constipation and or diarrhoea, it could be IBS. Heartburn can also be a symptom. You will need to discuss this with your doctor again to be sure.  

    I take it you haven't pulled muscles and not realised?

    • Posted

      I don't think I've pulled a muscle, it is a strange feeling. When relaxing it is almost non existent only seem to be aggravated by moving
  • Posted

    Yes, check for gastritis, pancreatitis (lipase, amylase in blood), any IBD. Movement can make existing inflammation worse. 

    You are not on medication, that can have this as a side effect? Just as an idea. (I was suffering such similar symptoms under beta blockers, resting was ok, lying the best, but as soon as standing up or walking, there was a pressure from my diaphragma upwards, as if I couldn't breath anymore, no pain, but very uncomfortable. I luckily developed also a rash later, an allergy, had to stop medication and this akward mid upper abdominal pressure was gone, too. One friend took a strong painkiller and called the ambulance being in this 'pain', pressure in upper mid abdomen, hard to walk.....and it was just the medication.)

  • Posted

    You are suffering from gastritis. Go for endoscopy to get it confirmed
  • Posted

    I've had a full blood test for lipase amylase thyroid liver kidneys etc, all results are clear.

    My doctor said it was gastroenteritis and told me to eat soft diet for a week and see how I am. I did this and am still no better. I also haven't had a solid bowel movement for 4 weeks either. Doctor examined me and said my upper stomach is very irritable.

    I had stool and urine test and they were also clear.

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