Abdominal problems followed with extreme nausea, could it be vertigo?

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I recently read a discussion about being nauseated all the time and one responder stated that it just could very well be, vertigo.  And it got me to thinking.  After many visits to the ER suffering from abdominal pains and vomiting, and each test result came back normal, I took notice that it could be vertigo.  I've felt a feeling of stuffy ears and yes, my gait was off a bit but didn't connect the dots, nor did the doctors.  

So, Friday, 11/7/14, I have an appt with my ENT and with hopes she can put an end to this awful feeling of doom.  My husband and even the doctors are at such a loss that they are beginning to think it's all in my head.  I'm sorry, but I hate to vomit, and if they think I need attention, that's on them.  I don't NEED attention...and I most certainly wouldn't VOMIT to get it! haha! fools!

So, I will return and let all know what the "vertigo" is :P a play on words.

However, in the meantime, can anyone say what they think this could be?  I'm open to new ideas as my appt isn't until friday and I'd love some input to help with questions.

Thank you


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12 Replies

  • Posted

    As an enquiry, do you get dizzy spells, or are you very anxious over certain things, because these can cause vertigo, as I used to have them due to the brain damage I had when I was a young kid due to measles (Rubeola).  There are other things that can cause vertigo, and one of them can actually be psychological (meaning you could be bringing them on by yourself), though this is only speculation, if that is the case, you need to structure your lifestyle so that you have things that take the attention of you, Mental Health Professionals can help in diagnosing those symptoms (when I was a teenager I caused the exact same thing myself).
    • Posted

      Hi Stuart ~

      Thank you for responding.  As far as my situation regarding possibly vertigo, I've had ear problems feeling like they are blocked off with something.  That causes me to feel uneasy with my footing.  And it goes on from there.  I'm hoping this can be addressed Friday with the ENT and if not, I'll check out the other avenue you've mentioned.  That too, could be a possibility.

      Again, thank you!


    • Posted

      Interesting, I did have inner ear problems before, there may be a possibility you may have to much wax in your ear or there is a possibilty that due to infection I cannot remember the exact name of the ear infection now (I was only 12 when I was diagnosed with it.  Do you also get constant ringing sound in your ear (tinitus)).  Because if you do, you will need to tell the professionals of this, because there could be an underlying problem that may cause you to have severe headaches constantly.  This is another channel you may need to pursue just in case.  In the E.N.T department they can then see if the problem you have was the same medical condition I had when I was young (I was deaf for 7 years prior to this arising).
    • Posted

      Thank you stuart I will take note of what you said and include that iwth the ENT appt tomorrow.  How are you doing now?  You said you were dx'd age 12, was that a few years ago or many years ago?

      Thank you and

      Warm regards


    • Posted

      That was many years ago, and one thing I can say. Ailments that were once cured 50 to 60 years ago, have come back in the modern days (due to the lack of funds from the government who have made severe cut backs, which has now allowed all the old ailments to come back with greater destructive results (ebola was eradicated back in the 50/60's)), ricketts, polio, and so forth were cured 60's. This is why problems in health have arisen again, selfish polticians cannot see what they are doing.
    • Posted

      Well, I saw my ENT, sat there for over an hour then she "bursts" in and looked me over and said, well, you need to come back for testing, then left.  I asked her assistant if she was testing me today and will I see her again today or what?!  I was told that the session took over 2 hrs so I'd come back and the doctor would see me again, that day.  So, I was left w/o anything to combat the nausea and "spinning" and vomiting.  Frustrating to say the least!!!  And I did speak out my frustration of her letting me sit for an hour and then some, then enter and leave 5 mins later.  What the heck, my time is just as worthy as anyone else here.  So, the dilemma, look for another ENT or stick around until after testing and see what's said.  I do believe I will stick around but it's hard to respect someone who has no respect for others.

      Off subject, I know.  Just a venting  mechanism I've often used.  thank you for allowing this to happen smile


  • Posted

    Hello i have the same symptoms  and just get diagnosed w. h pylori on my stomach and candida overgrowth i just start the tratamient 6 days a go  w triple therapy antibiotics and probiotics and the last 3 days i start geting lest symptoms good luck
    • Posted

      Hi Josetile ~

      If after seeing the ENT doc on friday and she doesn't feel it's vertigo, then I'll check all other aspects such as you mentioned, h pylori as that can also be the problem.  I won't know until I check this with my ENT doctor, though.

      Thank you again.


      Also, did your h pylori cause you to be nauseated and vomit uncontrolably?  Just curious what your symptoms are/were.

    • Posted

      Yes no the bad like you say.  dizzines nauseated and vomit 
  • Posted

    My friend has vertigo and it affects you as you move your head x I'd look into food intolerance if I were you x
    • Posted

      Thank  you worrychick ~

      I appreciate your response.  I will have a look at the types of foods that could be possibly setting this situation off.  Food intolerance, never did think of that.

      smile Frustrated

    • Posted

      My boyfriend been going through for almost two years.gets extreme pains takes hotcsjowrrs gets nausea Sometimes can go with a month with no symptoms. He been diagnosed with h pylori took the treatment was better for a few weeks then sick again, next they did a stomach surgery said  on intestines said to be bad.now sick again, food definitely triggers but diagnosis is unknown. Many  other random diagnosis but nothing helpdNow saying could be cannabis syndrome.

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