abdominal symptoms and weird things happening since giving birth

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i just gave birth on march 1st and since then ive had odd symptoms. In march i had some blood on tp and loose watery stools a couple of times. Then in April, i had some spotting that i thought was the return of my period but it only lasted two days. As the bleeding was ending, i started getting cramps that gradually got worse. It felt like it was in the ovary area. And it became really sharp. The pain then moved toward the center of the waistline. Then i noticed lower abdominal pain at the waist when sitting, or when sitting and leaning forward. I would also feel it when laughing hard. This feeling subsided along with the ovary area pain and eventually was reduced to feeling a quick and short painful spasm in the waist area when passing gas. This went away as well but then I started having pelvic pain with an icy hot feeling that moved upwards..and also groin pain that happened with the pelvic pain. And also lower back cramping. This persisted for awhile. I also had stool that was more narrow than usual which isnt an every day thing. One day i had achy lower back pain on the left side which affected the left side of the pelvis and anal pain that went away the same day. The back and pelvic and groin pain continued along with lower abdomial cramps. Then on april 25th i had my first actual period. on the second day of my cycle, the pain when sitting came back! it wasnt as severe as the first time and no pain in the ovary area but the pain when sitting was the same along with lower back pain while sitting down. This lasted til my period ended. After that went away, i still had lower back aches which is worse at night and lower abdomen cramps while the pelvic area doesnt hurt so much anymore. also havent noticed groin pain recently either. But then i started getting upper abdomen discomfort accompained by non stop belching and had some pain in the esophagus. The upper and lower abdominal pain happens at the same time now. i have no idea whats going on. ive had numerous tests including urine samples, pelvic exams, vaginal ultrasound and a ct scan that showed all the organs from lower esophagus to the pelvic region. Everything came back fine. Doctors have no idea whats causing the pain when sitting nor can they tell whats going on. I was told that the shape of the stool doesnt matter really and to not be concerned. I mentioned the concern for colon issues like ibd or cancer but the most recent doctor i saw wasnt worried about that. She told me that all the tests were reassuring and she said that doctors cant always tell us the cause for our symptoms but that i should be reassured that anything serious was ruled out. Has anyone had symptoms like these and figured out what it was??

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    i know these symtoms are odd. I feel like no one else has experienced this

  • Posted

    Could be IBS since nothing else is showing up. Has your doctor mentioned IBS which can feel worse during your period?I have had this with my IBS. Hormones influence IBS. Your pain seems to move about which is an IBS symptom along with bowel habit changes, lower back pain gas and upper abdominal discomfort. Accept your doctor's reassurances and ask about IBS. Many of my doctors couldn't diagnose my abdominal pain, nausea, bowel habit change and back pain. I was told by one that my symptoms were confusing and she didn't have a clue. Eventually one of my doctors diagnosed IBS.

    • Posted

      I actually have been diagnosed with ibs a couple years ago. i was just considering other issues since these recent onset of symptoms seem different than the symptoms that led to my ibs diagnosis before. especially pain when sitting, never had that before. But what youre saying does make sense. Ibs does have a range of symptoms that can be different for everyone. And i have mentioned these symptoms to others and they also.said ibs

    • Posted

      IBS can change with time and new symptoms can cause worry that it is something else.This is very common, so don't worry. I had pain when sitting, standing, moving about and lying down with my IBS. Pain when lying down concerned me, but I was reassured by my doctor that it was a an IBS symptom.Stress and food can influence IBS symptoms. As you say, no one person is the same.

  • Posted

    Being pregnant is could also have flared up your IBS.

    • Posted

      Yea youre right, pregnancy could have something to do with it

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      Once your hormones start to settle back down, your IBS may start to get better too.

    • Posted

      when you had pain with sitting, where was the pain located? with me , as soon

      as i sat down , the waist area hurt. But it didnt stay hurting. It was just the act of sitting.

    • Posted

      My pain moved about no matter what position I was in. It confined itself to the abdominal area and jumped about from left, middle and right but the pattern of pain was different every time and didn't last long in each particular area.. I also had back pain which didn't help my back injury. I had four different types of pain too: stabbing, sharp, dull, deep grinding and sore to touch.

    • Posted

      ive had areas that was sore to touch as

      well. I also get growling noises in both upper and lower abdomen

    • Posted

      I haven't had any growling noises but this is common with IBS too.

    • Posted

      Im now getting a burning feeling in upper and lower abdomen. and burning

      upper back. Its exhausting for things to

      keep popping up.

    • Posted

      A burning sensation in your stomach is common with IBS. Back pain is also common; the burning in your back may be due to the nerves in the spinal column getting irritated. Try to relax and this will help to control your symptoms.

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