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Can anyone advise me what % of Af is caused by electrical signals coming from the pulmonary artery in the left upper chamber ? Ive just had this area ablated as its regarded as the most common area for the sorce of Af ?

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    All of it if you don't have a heart valve issue. Afib is an electrical issue again if you don't have a heart valve issue ... 
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    I've got (hopefully had) what I think they call lone Af - no other medical issues or heart problems
  • Posted

    Hi steve

    dont know the answer to your question but how did it go and how you feeling?

    A work colleague had it done last week.


    • Posted

      I had the ablation Tuesday morning (so 36 hrs ago) and I've been home about four hours now - my chest feels a little tight, I'm getting a few flutters/ skipped beats and my groin hurts when I walk but I'm feeling a lot better than I thought I would, EP said he was delighted with how the procedure went so I'm hoping I've seen the last of AF.
    • Posted

      Hey Steve, that's to be expected it should subside. I also must tell you that sometimes it takes more than one ablation to cure you of afib. I wish you the best of luck
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      Hi Steve

      work colleague has the same after effects but is getting better now.

      glad it has gone well for you and hope you stay af free.

      all the best adrian.

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    Thank you both for your best wishes
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    My AF doctor told me that the success rate of an ablation is very high, I seem to remember 94%. That means 94% of the time AF is acused by that Pesky artery that they freeze away.
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      ok, there are 2 types of ablation: freezing or burning. One works best for some types of afibs and one work for the other type of afib, there are 3 types. I had a very bad case of afib so they burn-ablation was fine for 15 months and then had to go in again and now I hope I done with the afib issue. Here in the state the success rate isn't so high but damn good for you. Did they take you off all your meds?
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    So far I have avoided the alblation by taking Multaq. The multaq seems to help as my afib has decreased to zero currently. Also I have been taking "Calm" magnesium suppliment every day so that may have contributed to me avoiding the ablation.
  • Posted

    Hi Steve,

    I had a cryoablation on March 4th this year, I live in NZ. Also for me it wasn't too bad an experience. Most of the rogue electrical signals go to where the 4 pulmonary veins enter the heart, that's why they ablate those areas. Here the success rate on a first ablation is around 70%, if a second one is done the success rate goes up to about 90%. Unfortunately I'm still getting occasional AF so am hoping to be given another ablation. I think they then ablate the next likely areas, or do some mapping and find out where your particular problem areas are.

    Hope this helps, and that yours is successful first time round.

    Cheers Maggie

  • Posted

    Hi Steve, nice to hear from someone else who has no issues of any kind apart from the ad. I was only diagnosed by accident when I went for pre-op checks for foot surgery. No tiredness, breathlessness etc. I had a cardioverdion which lasted 11 months and have had another one 2 weeks ago. If this recurrs my consultant has said she'll do an ablation. Never had any health issues in my life when this came out of the blue. Sheena
    • Posted

      Hi sheena, I woke up one morning and my pulse was over a hundred bpm and I had a lot of discomfort in my chest - if had some heart/chest issues after drinking alcohol for a few years before that (palpitations/tightness) but always thought it was heartburn. I chose to have the ablation even though I'd only gone into af once as id rather take a short term risk for a long term benefit as I couldn't live with the ticking tomebomb feeling af gives you. In my experience people really shouldnt fear the ablation - the worry beforehand is far worse than the recovery.
  • Posted

    Warning !!

    I have some very important info' for this group. I am an AF sufferer since 2008.in 2010 i had my first catheter ablation the new "Arctic front Ablation" [cryo/freezing method] it worked for around 18months but then the AF returned., i put up with it for a couple of years, but I was then recommended another ablation called Point to Point catheter ablation which is the usual or common ablation technique, which burns the problem areas. This was supposed to be "very Low risk minimal invasion Day surgery" with few complications & i was told nothing to worry about we can deal with the complications should any arise. So i went in for the surgery a few ago. During the ablation the prosedure the surgeon peirced a hole in the wall of my heart & he could not stop the bleeding, i was rushed to another theatre [unconcious] where another team had to open my chest, Put me on a bypass machine to enable them to repair the hole & stop the bleeding, i was in theartre a total of around 7 hours, i had to have a transfusion, i was then hept in a comma & put on a life suppoprt machine for 24 hours, following that i was in intensive care for a further 48 hours. several weeks on I am still recovering from this Nightmare.. Also whilst i was in hospital i spoke to another AF ablation patient who had suffered the same heart puncture during the ablation, but he was a bit luckier than me, they managed to stop his bleed without openenig his chest. I have had several different operations over the years & i have never had an issue with bleeding before

    My advice to anyone with AF thinking of having an ablation,THINK VERY CAREFULLY, IT IS A DANGEROUS PROCEDURE!!  I almost lost my life.


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