abnormal results no infection help

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All year I have had wee sample tests that come back positive for nitrates and white blood cells been given 4 lots of antibiotics only to be told to stop as when they've cultured my wee is come back no infection. Once again Friday nitrates and white blood cells given antibiotics rung Monday and told I have to see the doctor with another sample. Went today and the culture had came back no infection and redid dip stick in office which came back with nitrates and white blood cells. My doctors are baffled as to why this is happening does anybody on here know what would make this show in my wee other then an infection many thanks x

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    My doctor told me, that it's very hard to get a culture to grow if you are taking or have taken antibiotics
    • Posted

      Thanks for replying I was only given antibiotics after the dip stick test so wasn't on them the time the wee was sent off to culture if that makes sense x
  • Posted

    Are you having pain and the feeling of wanting to wee all the time?
    • Posted


      I've had this three times now within 5 months.

      It's starts off with what I'd call mild cramp in my tummy, I go to the doctors who checks my urine and says that there are WBC present. That's gets sent to the lab, they test and grow it and say that the white blood cells aren't inflamed so it's not an infection. In the meantime the antibiotics takeaway the pain and everything is normal again, until the next time.

      It's starting to get my down as I worry constantly about my health as it is!

    • Posted

      Totally the same my doctor finnaly figured it out he said it's intestinal cystitis I have a scan in December just to check it's not kidney stones then comfirm he said it flares for a few months then goes into remission. Mention it to your gp next time. Any chance you've been run down like me cold after cold x
    • Posted

      Thanks for replying Lauren.

      I'm at my GP tomorrow again so I'll speak to him about it.

      I've really got myself in to a total panic, my Dad died from Kidney Cancer and I've convinced myself that I have it to, as I have blood in urine,but no infection and the pains in my abdomen. Honestly I think I'm going nuts.

    • Posted

      No your not I'm the same always wbc for me nitrate was a one off lol. It does play on your mind alot but sure if the doctors were concerned if that they would of done tests sooner considering you've had this 5 months I've had it since Feb and there only now admitting there is something to it x

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