About Almodipine

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I can safely say that Amlodipine left me in worst health than I was before taking it. It's poison. My BP before getting on it was something like 135/90 ish. After I stopped taking it, my MP shot up to 140/110 ish. One day my diastolic was up to 120!!! I have been off Amlodipine for two months. Let me make this clear. Since I started using it, I have been more active and exercised more and still have these readings. I'm hoping that it will just take longer for my body to adjust without it but I think I'm being unrealistic :-/ . The only high spot is later in the day my BP on some days will get to what it was before I started taking this poison (130/90) . Very upsetting. 

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5 Replies

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    Sounds very similar to my numbers when doc put me on 5mg Amlodipine. My BP did come down after about 5 days however, the side effects were horrible. Stayed on it 3 full weeks and contacted doctor who said stop immediately. That was 5 days ago and I still feel terrible. My BP is hovering around 125-145/80-90.  The higher numbers I’m hoping will level out and this is the rebound from the medicine. Had appointment with cardiologist today but he had to cancel. Hoping to see him soon and figure out next step.
  • Posted

    Sorry to hear this. My sister has experienced the same resulting with high blood pressure but unfortunately it has also affected her eyesight which was perfect before taking this drug. She is registered blind now. She took amlodopine for a couple of months as when she said it was making her feel ill she was told to keep taking it. When will they take this awful drug off the market.

    I wish you a speedy recovery.

  • Posted

    Hi James depending on your age 135/90+ seems to be not too bad and I would have thought your GP would have allowed you a few weeks to try exercise and diet to try and reduce it before putting you on medication.under 40 yrs is another matter as highBP can cause damage to your organs especially your kidneys if left untreated and makes you open to strokes and heart disease.its also important to get it down to a normal level if you have some underlying health problem like diabetes.i  was put on  Amlodopine when I was going through a period of anxiety due to grief.my BP was slightly high but I had reduced kidney function ( which I’m now told was fairly normal for a 60+ person.) and it kept my BP fairly stable for 3 years.i realise now that all the problems that I had been suffering from ( irregular heart beat ,hair loss,very swollen legs ,sleeplessness,nightmares ,fear of death and anxiety )were due to Amlodopine.my doctors still think this is not the case and it is the SAFEST drug that anyone with kidney problems can take.i disagree with this and a few months ago after an awful period where my legs were so swollen I couldn’t walk I decided to stop Amlodopine.i checked my Bp  3 times a day and it remained low and my legs gradually went back to normal.i have been monitoring my Bp daily and my docs are happy to keep me off medication if I lose my excess weight.i was told a BP of 135 /80 is acceptable for my age.so James ,if your Bp remains high after coming off yourtabs( it is the bottom reading that is important) you need to check it 3 times a day perhaps not exercise too vigorously,eat a healthy diet and keep away from stress.have you been advised about white coat syndrome that makes your Bp shoot up when you visit your docs?please go back to your GP if it remains high as you could be causing untold damage to your body.you might just be a person with  highblood pressure and you need to take some form of medication to prevent this damage happening.im sure there will be a medication different from Amlodopine and it’s awful side effects that may suit you if need be.good luck and hope you are feeling better soon.
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    I experience it to with amlodipine swollen ankle and joint numbling off arm and legs,dizziness,blurry vision,feeling ill and weak,palpitation sometimes and worse anxiety. 1 took it for about a week but my gp reduce 8t from 10mg to 5mg still have side effect then i try to remove it for 2 days and i felt great no side effects. I been off from this meds 19 days ago and i started felling like my self again and my bp remains 110-125/70-85. Im doing dash diet low sodium and sugar and more fruits and water. Just feeling a bit dizzy sometimes i dont know if its with the side effect of med or diet. But anxiety is still there so i need to deal with it hope it will leave soon. I dont recommend stopping the meds cold turkey we should visit our gp about stoppung meds. But in my case i just remove it without telling my gp and hopefully it will continue like this bp is in safe range. How about you james do you still feel some side effects from the meds?
  • Posted

    Thank you everyone for your advice. I just measured my BP after a 4 hour nap and it's 140/107 :-/ Not exactly the numbers I was looking for. I have been still taking aspirin along with Hawthorn, Dandelion, COq10 and FIsh Oil but, I'm not sure if it's helping. If I eat something my BP seems to settle down to something like 135/90. I think It's time for some ginger tea too. 

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