About Fibromyalgia
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[i:abf827344e][color=red:abf827344e]]My name is Tracey Bridges, i was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 1998 and it is gradually getting worse. When i go to doctors they blame evrything i have on fibromyalgia. They just seem to fob me off and not help at all. I am so fed up of being in pain, i just want to feel normal, i am only 35 years old and i feel like i am about 70 i hate it and dont know what to do anymore. every part of my body hurts, my periods are terrible, i have no sex drive what so ever, im run down all the time. I am so fed up of taking medication all the time and i dont know what else to do. [/i:abf827344e][/color:abf827344e] :cry:
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I am 35 and I have Fibromyalgia, such a awful disease and we dont get much support about it neither, it took a year for my diagnosis and in the meantime I lost my career over this, and so now I am battling this too.... I am setting up a support group in my area to make others more aware of this hidden illness...... we look ok on the outside but feel like muck on the inside, we cannot describe to others that haven't got this awful disesase as no words can describe it.............
A poem that relates to us.....
Imagine never feeling good, when you know of no reason not to feel good.
Imagine feeling pain in multiple areas of your body for no apparent reason.
Imagine feeling like your verbal and motor skills are impaired when they were fine a minute ago.
Imagine feeling like you have missed sleep for a week when you have just gotten out of bed.
Imagine something going wrong with your body everyday, when you have done nothing out of the ordinary.
Imagine having uncontrollable shakes and tremors and shocks of pain run through you, and disappear as quickly as they came; leaving you awaiting their return.
Imaging having to live a \"normal\" life in society, yet knowing your abnormalities will mess that up for you anytime of any day.
Imagine striving to be the best Mother and Wife you could be and being left to feel useless many times over awaiting to feel normal again.
You have now imagined what it is like to be me. I live with Fibromyalgia.
I do hope you have more better days than worse days as at the moment bad days are more for me as I have had problems with my meds....... take care and we will fight this xx
I often have a look at this forum. I suffer from CFS/ME and the symptoms are so similar - the illnesses often seem to go hand in hand. The pain I experience has been diagnosed as fibromalgia for which I have been prescribed antidepressants, which takes the edge off it - sometimes!
I just wanted to thank you for the poem you printed - it describes me perfectly and many of my friends who post regularly on the CFS forum.
I shall print it out and leave it around for all my friends to see - it describes perfectly how we all feel - I only hope they have the time to stop and read it!!
Yes I am setting up a support group and this poem is symbolizing us sufferers, as this will I hope be going in my local newspaper as they are going to advertise Fibromyalgia as we do not gt support for this dreadful disease and how disabling it can be.... claiming benefits for example are hard to prove as this being an \"hidden illness\" a lot of people do not know it exists and so I am going to make it aware in my town, after all it is Fibromyalgia awareness day 12th May!!!!
I do hope you all are having a better day than me!!!
Flowerlady Guest
Don't know how old your children are, but get them to do little jobs for you. I have 6 grandchildren ranging from 18 down to 2. The 18 yr old visits me every day, and I have the youngest two aged 2 and 3 and I get them do do little things they love it.
I were diagnosed 3 years ago, and recent visit to Rehumy said i may have ME too..great news hey...
So don't be down, if you are lonely come on here. Keep well Anne
Flowerlady Guest
I wake up in a morning and all of my hands are numb in the morning and I haven't even been sleeping on them? and I get the numbness when I have used my hands too much, before i was diagnosed I tried to strim the garden (over a year ago) as I was sick of looking at the mess........ then due to this the base of my thumb had a red inflamed rash for about five hours later after doing it and then after that my hands didn't function properly for about a week as I could hardly move them, along with pain in my shoulders!!!!
It is like now, everyones garden is so tidy looking, but mine? it looks like the local tip, but it isn't worth the risk in feeling so much pain :x and so I am hoping I can get a cheap gardener as my husband works most of the week and so it isn't fair asking him.......
I could hardly walk today I had to force myself due to the pain in my hips, only the support of my crutch, and walking to the local shop with a shopping trolley at 35 as I cant carry shopping neither as this is so painful too in my shoulders!!! I seem to get worse when the weather changes?
I hope you are having a better day than me xx
You may be interested to look at a posting on the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome forum. Michelle has written about her feelings towards possibly having to use a wheelchair at some point ... you may find it very helpful. It's the experience entitled 'Are You Proud of Me' dated April 15th.
Do have a look. Michelle writes really sensibly.
Take care
Note to SES - Good luck with your support group!!
Thank you so much for your kind words............ :D
Take care and I hope you are having a good day x