Achalasia & Alzheimer - Improvement after taking Coconut Oil
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Hi my name is Chin. I'm from Singapore. I have the same discussion topic under "Dysphagia" but I should actually post it under "oesophageal achalasia". Here is my story.
For over 5 years I have had swallowing difficulties. Initially it was solids then semi-liquids and cold liquids. I would experienced chest pain and frequently had to regurgitate to relieve the pain. Though I never get a proper diagnosis for this disease, I believe I have Achalasia.
One day my wife came across this book by Dr. Mary T. Newport entitled “Alzheimer's Disease – What if There Was a Cure?” In her book she wrote how a simple dietary intervention of coconut oil (for its essential medium-chain fatty acids) has help improved her husbands' alzheimer condition – (you have to read her book to understand the biochemistry of this miracle oil and its effect to our body).
My wife decided to include coconut oil into my diet as in her course of work, MCT oil (found in coconut oil) are also given to premature babies to supplement their feeding or babies with GERD.
I started with 2 tablespoon of Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (unrefined & cold pressed) on 2 June 2012. In slightly over 2 weeks I was able to eat and swallow comfortably without any choking episodes, no regurgitation of food because I can feel the food moving down slowly into the stomach.
It is indeed by chance that my wife found the connection of this simple diet inclusion by Dr. Mary Newport to improve my achalasia condition. I have such an amazing improvement in such a short time that I felt compelled to share it to as many people as possible. Am I cured? Well not 100% but I am just thankful and happy with the improvement I've had so far.
I urge you to read all you can about the miracle of coconut oil and have it into your diet soon. If you do not have the time to read her book you can watch Dr. Mary Newport on youtube by CNBnewsonline as well as Dr. Bruce Fife interview/discussion on coconut oil.
If there is any question .. I am happy to reply.
Best wishes to all.
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Thanks for posting your story it's always good to here of other aproaches that have helped and anything that eases this condition is worth investigating,the more people who post there experences on this forum the better.
The only thing I will say Chin is if you hav'nt had formal diagnosis please get one just in case it's not achalasia that's really important for you or anyone,but hey I'll give it ago maybe after my next dilation when it starts to tighten up again
I did try cod liver oil but had to drink far to much for food to pass so i stoped taking it.I also suffer very bad stress and at times fluids will not pass either and i get dehydrated at times.Thanks for your input cant wait to see if it works for me.
You know, I'm one of those people who would try alternative method before making my way to see a doctor. So far I'm ok. Thank you for your advise.
Best wishes to you.
You can try any health stores or big supermarkets. In Singapore, my wife got it from Cold Storage. It is a US brand but the product origin is actually from Philippine.
Do get a good quality one so that you can get maximum effect. It has to be organic, raw and cold pressed.
I wish you all the best.
May God bless you.
At CoconutMiracle's request I have deleted reference to the specific product and a couple of other sentences as his last intention was to appear to be promoting a product.
These forums are for users to post their experiences in the hope it may help others. This is CM's experience and it is up to others whether they take anything from it or not. It doesn't have to be evidence based, there are plenty of other posts through the forums where users have offered advice from their own experience, diagnosed or not. As you say Jeebs, your experience was a bad one so now others can decide themselves. The old saying One man's meat is another man's poison may be relevant here
I hope this helps.
Emis Moderator
bianca61182 CoconutMiracle
Dear coconut miracle,I was just diagnosed with achalasia this past fall and will be setting up a date for surgery in the next month.I have suffered with this disorder for a little over a year,it is so depressing and exhausting.there's days when I have trouble just drinking liquids. I was overjoyed to find there are others like me and discussion forums for information and support. I just wanted to thank you for your advice, anything that anyone has tried and has had good results with is what I want passed on to me.
nitikant CoconutMiracle
Pasha333 CoconutMiracle
Taking Coconut oil as a cure for Achalasia is certainly an interesting concept, however, if it truly were that simple surely science would have found this solution before now.
I wonder if your condition was indeed achalasia or whether it was some kind of yeast overgrowth, or gut condition caused by microbes or fungus perhaps?
Coconut contains caprylic acid which is excellent at addressing both these problems.
Lauric acid aka MCT oil is great for neurological conditions such as Alzeimers as it protects and aids the sheath.
You wouldn't be advocating this product for monitory gain would you? Sorry but it has to be asked…