Achalasia and intestinal issues
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I have type 3achalasia and have IBS also. I just had my robotic heller for/dup. Surgery a d just in to my 3wks on that post nessin diet a d well had a bad acute colitis, that put me in hospital for 5days. It was the worst pain ever. I now know that I can not throw up anymore. I dry grave only..So is there anyone else who's whole HI tract being affected ??? I feel that is what is going on with me .
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Robert13450 Cowgirluc
Hello Cowgirl I'm sorry you are having such problems. I also have type 3 . I had POEM last year about 9 months ago and had terrible issues with acid. Then I made the mistake of letting a doctor do a new procedure cause he promised to fix me, it made me worse. I'm seeing a different surgeon in 2 weeks to talk about a Nissen Fundoplication and I'm very nervous because of my 2 bad experiences . I also have IBS and last week was taken to the hospital via ambulance.
I could use some help from you as far as opinions andbis there any chance you could forward me the post Nissen diet plan? If not on here I'll send you my email. How many days were you in the hospital when you had your surgery? I'm sorry I'm not in a position to help you but do ask for some guidance or advice. I wish I could help you but it seems I'm following right behind you. Thanks
Cowgirluc Robert13450
Hi Bob . On the post nissen diet you can find if on line its the same I have cause I looked it up and compare diets and its the same . I'm surprised the did put you on one after any procedure . As far as my procedure it is OK its rest of my gut now. It might have just been hiding away,cause of all the pain it was to eat. I was only in Hospital for 3days with only 6littie 1inch cut one on the five is in belly button.
All the advice and seeing that I'm not the only one . Cause when I tell people what I have even the hospital staff they say WHATS THAT !
Robert13450 Cowgirluc
I can see that happening, where people have no idea what you're talking about when you tell them what you have. Thanks for the info, I'll google the diet . I hope you feel better soon and they can get things under control. Nobody knows from reading it from a book how much we suffer or how scared we get. This disease is no joke !
Again, try to feel better soon
AlanJM Cowgirluc
Cowgirluc AlanJM
Thank you Alan. I think thats what going on and that my body was in such bad pain to eat that my IBS issues was hiding and now that it is fixed well kinda. It is coming out with a vegence .😊 I am taking some simethone tabs and now probiotics. And keep my blood sugars low ! On top of all I have CKD from to much proteins. I discover my body is kinda messed up ! And all I can do is try and smile😊
AlanJM Cowgirluc
Janeeyre Cowgirluc
I don't think IBS is a condition that "hides" waiting for an opportune time to strike. In my experience it is something to which a person is prone but it comes and goes with remissions even lasting for years at a time. Perhaps you have had IBS in the past and just don't recall--although most episodes of the syndrome are quite severe while they last [as you now know] and one tends to remember them. Regardless, IBS can start up at any time and the triggers can vary. Sometimes it is brought on by an attack of food poisoning and lasts long after the bacteria that caused the poisoning has left the body. Stress is another possible trigger. I had my worst episodes of IBS when I was still in my twenties and in a very bad relationship with an older man I admired because I thought he was my intellectual superior. He was also an emotional cripple, but I was not experienced enough to recognize that at the time. When I got away from him, IBS left me in peace for many years. All the stress this man caused me constantly had vanished. At any rate, it's not always that easy to know why one has IBS, but it's not necessarily something that can't go away after a time.
Cowgirluc Janeeyre
Hello. I have had IBS for over 30yrs ago . Then had a very bad episode when I was with my 1st husband and Doc . came in told me what ever is stressing you out you need to be rid of it. I got a divorce!
I had a few issues along the line and after breaking my back up and getting off pain meds was very hard.
I since the last 10yrs met a new man married him 4yrs ago and well I have had issue with my eating and hurting. It all got really bad when hubby had a heart attack and all broke loose in me . My nerves were shot,beside some argument over me wanting to get Off 14yrs pain meds for back to using cannibis for my nerve pain from spinal surgery. The pain pills are hurting my colon now that my upper spincher has been fixed. I'm having teal bad issues right now I do have that neuopathy all in my body . I think it has affected my lower spincher . it just dont work !
I hope to get through all this change to my insides one day at a time. Hope to be off pain meds soon ..
Robert13450 Cowgirluc
Your life sounds like mine. I really wish you luck getting off the pain meds. I agree 100% that they do a hell of a lot more damage to our bodies than we were ever told. The doctors know we'll do anything they say to end our pain and at the time we don't even think about what it's gonna do to us down the road.
I will pray for you to succeed and to stay strong for both you and your husband . Good luck