achalasia and osteoporosis

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I haven't posted for some while. I have just been diagnosed with osteoporosis and have been advised to take alendronic acid. I have achalasia and alendronic acid is contra indicated in achalasia.

Please has anyone else had this experience? What shall I do about it? I haven't dared to take the tablets yet. I can't go to the hospital and ask as they just said come back if you have problems again. I take omeprazole which I think gets rid of some calcium in the body so I am in a dilemma!

Please help!


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7 Replies

  • Posted

    You are right that long term Omeprazole can tend to affect the way that calcium is absorbed into the body for some people and that it is relevant for osteoporosis.

    ​I would have a chat with a pharmacist to see exactly what the issue is with alendronic acid and achalasia.   Did the doctor who advised the alendronic acid take this into account?   

    ​As with many other medications, it may be prudent to take it by a method other than by mouth, eg injection, liquid form, under the tongue or even suppository so that it can be absorbed into the body rather than being stuck in your oesophagus.

    • Posted

      Thank you for your reply. I have had a chat with a pharmacist and he said on no account to take alendronic acid. The other options have worse side effects eg IV infusion which can cause a thickening of calcium in the jaw. I don't think my GP took any notice of my notes that say I have achalasia! I should not have been prescribed this, but I don't know of an alternative.

      Day to day I manage with a restricted diet - but I am grateful that my achalasia is not worse than it is as it is very misunderstood by some of the medical profession.

      Many thanks Sandra

    • Posted

      I think, then, that your recourse is to return to your GP, tell them what has happened, and ask for an alternative medication treatment, from a specialist if necessary.
    • Posted

      I asked somebody with medical experience of achalasia who said that he would not recommend alendronic acid, because there might be a risk of ulceration.   He asked whether reflux was definitely confirmed, and whether Omeperazole was necessary and whether you might combat the reflux with Gaviscon Advance instead?

      ​So that is from somebody medically qualified and experienced, but do bear in mind that they have not seen you so you must be wary of taking this on board for that reason.

  • Posted

    You didn't give your age, but  I think that, by the time a woman reaches 60, there are few who don't have osteoporosis to some degree.  My spine has degenerated but it makes no difference to my appearance.  It just hurts more than it did when I was younger but even that is minimal and I consider it the least of my troubles.  Having achalasia, you can probably say the same.  I don't take a calcium supplement that isn't included in a daily vitamin because that much calcium hasn't agreed with me in the past.  If I had achalasia and I thought that some non-essential medication was going to aggravate it--I would give it a miss.

    • Posted

      I suppose that for some women there may be some alternatives to try and ward off the osteoporosis potential, but it would need a doctor's advice.

  • Posted

    Ouch.  Did you speak to the Pharmacist who dispensed.  Often physicians aren't the best when it comes to drug interactions and whether there might be a safer alternative. 

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